Subs [Kooritsukai]( "Give this man a medal!") ( Styled to match Chyuu subs.)
RAW [Ohys-Raws]( "I hope you know Japanese!")
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[Kooritsukai] Fate Extra Last Encore - 08 [720p][CC0C90A1].mkv (529.0 MiB)
I'd say the original is more of a remake considering it is hardsubbed and transcoded from Ohys by using VLC since the uploader was totally clueless.
I consider a remake stuff like deadfish. This should be good.
@cartelackey next time don't filter because the sub groups are trying to kill this anime XD. Next episode ill try to release first and it will be not marked as "Remake".
@Darsh, Kooritsukai has been told already how to mux so I expect better this week. He still refuses to use a nonshit font and typesetting so yours might be well welcome still.
Comments - 7
Darsh (uploader)
Darsh (uploader)