FLAC ver.: #910759 ≠ More Divergence Ratio Universe audio.: #search
Release Date: June 26, 2013
VGMdb: http://vgmdb.net/album/38531
MAL: https://myanimelist.net/anime/9253/Steins_Gate
VNdb https://vndb.org/v6618 (STEINS;GATE Hiyoku Renri no Darling)
VNdb: https://vndb.org/v2002
Visual Novel: https://nyaa.iss.one/?f=0&c=6_2&q=steins+gate
qAAC TVBR q127 Quality 96, 44.1 kHz, 2 channels
Disc 1
01 Skyclad no Kansokusha スカイクラッドの観測者 (Sky-Clad Observer) 4:35
02 Unmei no Farfalla 運命のファルファッラ (Farfalla of Fate) 5:15
03 Masquerade ~NOAH Daisanshou Retsuou Shinseikihen Yori~ マスカレード ~ノア第三章列王新世紀編より~ (Masquerade ~NOAH A New Era from the Third Chapter of Kings~) 4:56
04 technovision 4:14
05 A.R. 4:30
06 Another Heaven 4:29
07 Hacking to the Gate 4:16
08 Toki Tsukasadoru Juuni no Meiyaku 刻司ル十二ノ盟約 (The Twelve Laws that Govern Time) 5:03
09 Uchuu Engineer 宇宙エンジニア (Universe Engineer) 3:45
10 Hisenkei Geniac 非線形ジェニアック (Non-Linear Geniac) 4:09
11 Preghiera no Tsukiyo ni プレギエーラの月夜に (In the Moonlit Night of Preghiera) 4:13
Disc 2
01 La*La*La Labolution La*La*Laラボリューション 5:10
02 Kindan Muteki no Darling 禁断無敵のだーりん (Forbidden Invincible Darling) 4:18
03 Eien no Vector 永遠のベクトル (Eternal Vector) 4:48
04 EUPHORIA ~Tsugunai no Requiem~ EUPHORIA ~償いのレクイエム~ (EUPHORIA ~Requiem of Atonement~) 6:11
05 Nankoufuraku no new gate 難攻不落のnew gate (The Impregnable new gate) 6:44
06 Yasashii Yuugure 優しい夕暮れ (Gentle Evening) 5:23
07 Moeru Sekai no Gensoutan 萌える世界の幻想譚 (Illusions of the Moe World) 4:39
08 Yakusoku no Paradigm 約束のパラダイム (A Promising Paradigm) 4:38
09 To Be Loved 4:48
10 Hakanai Kioku no Kakera 儚い記憶のかけら (Fragment of an Ephemeral Memory) 4:22
11 Nyan☆Nyan☆Galaxy! 4:34
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