DDL: https://mega.nz/#F!Gd9kQLYY!-FgT2LBGY9X1VqC1cxetUg
Short link for a collection of downloads: http://bit.ly/KisekiDownloads
Short link for my torrents: http://bit.ly/KisekiTorrents
Update 2: If you’re looking for an in-depth guide on installing and other things (like a 60 FPS patch), check the guide in this thread: https://en.reddit.com/r/Falcom/h069to/ (And this: https://imgur.com/a/bQOs4kX)
Note: The Flame edit got another update, follow the guides above or get https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1240622 (install after v0.15.7, don’t run Script Installer again after this)
Update: v0.15.7 is out, this contains a fix to Flame’s edit so almost all voices should be voiced properly now. Original torrent here: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1235893 (deleted, got updated, check above)
Download the update through MEGA and run the Script Installer again to update Flame’s edit in your game.
Notes below have been updated to reflect changes in v0.15.7.
This torrent is v0.15.6, update to v0.15.7 with the patch in the MEGA link.
Status: Guren’s translation was leaked and we have fixed it to work on PC. Full playthroughs have been completed without issues.
Flame has since released his edit and someone else has fixed the issues with voices in his edit. Both versions should now be on good standing.
Like Zero, this is hardly a “beta” anymore but to prevent confusion with possible Geofront patches in the future that title will be kept.
And also like Zero, we likely won’t be releasing that many patches anymore unless there’s actually some significant issues.
Bugs in latest patch:
Current update: v0.15.7 (07-04-2020)
You can download the latest update here: https://mega.nz/#F!XVURQIRB!RastNWpnh6en25W1Mu4vHA
Just extract and drop everything in the install folder and overwrite.
The patches are made so you can update your game from whatever version you were previously in or even if you had no patch applied at all.
Changelog is included in the patch.
There is a text file included in the patch that addresses some issues that you might come across, they’ll contain solutions to the problems if there is one, I’ll not consider things described in that file as “bugs”.
As always, if you find issues, be it with the Flame edit or original leak, let us know by describing the issue and sharing saves and screenshots.
The Legend of Heroes - Trails in the Sky FC [GOG]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1038509
The Legend of Heroes - Trails in the Sky SC [GOG]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1038508
The Legend of Heroes - Trails in the Sky the 3rd [GOG]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1038507
The Legend of Heroes - Trails from Zero [GOG]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1585921
The Legend of Heroes - Trails from Zero [PC - Geofront]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1390384
The Legend of Heroes - Trails to Azure [PC - Geofront]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1390385
The Legend of Heroes - Trails of Cold Steel I [GOG]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1417049
The Legend of Heroes - Trails of Cold Steel II [GOG]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1417050
The Legend of Heroes - Trails of Cold Steel III [GOG]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1234905
The Legend of Heroes - Trails of Cold Steel IV [GOG]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1417051
The Legend of Heroes - Trails into Reverie [PC - Japanese w/ Overlay]: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1426012
Comments - 61
Ganba (uploader)
You don’t necessarily need to download the torrent if you downloaded the previous one, you can just use the patch to update as normal.
If you’re playing the game from this torrent, remember to copy your config.ini file and saves over and your voice/ed_voice.ini file if you modified that.
Ganba (uploader)
Also, please note the following disclaimer regarding the Flame edit (that I sadly forgot to mention in either the patch notes or the common issues text file):
When using the Flame’s edit version of the scripts it’s possible you’ll come across many unvoiced lines, unfortunately, given how Flame edited some of the text, voices simply won’t work for some sentences, estimates are rough but while the original leak had around 130 lines that were potentially missing dialogue, Flame’s edit has over 4,000 of them, this doesn’t mean 4,000 are voiceless because many could have no voices to begin with but everything considered you’re 30 times more likely to find an unvoiced line in the Flame edit than on the original leak, this will unfortunately not be fixed.
There are “scena_OriginalLeak” and “scena_FlameEdit” included in the voice folder of the patch, but no default “scena”. Are we supposed to rename one of these two folders to “scena” for the patch to work?
Ganba (uploader)
You are meant to run the script installer.
Given that you should already have a scena folder (as long as you downloaded one of my torrents and not a clean copy of the game from somewhere else) I didn’t think it was necessary to include it in the patch itself. Using the installers will delete your current scena folder and replace it with the one you picked.
welp, more voice acting is why i’m here for. i guess ill just stick to the previous version. thanks for the update anyway @ganba
Thanks for this! Something I am curious about when you talk about voiceless lines do you mean that the voices do not work or that there are more lines of text added so that the voices do not line up? I am pretty sure you mean there is just more text then voices but want to make sure before I decide which patch to go for. Also is the better translation worth the voices not lining up or was the previous version good also?
Killing thousands of voiced lines because of editing is a very bad idea. It’s really annoying to play like that, because it’s not like a few scenes are now unvoiced. No. You have sporadically missing a line here and there and here and there. That gets annoying, more so if you know some JP. As such, it’d even be better to play completely without them. That result is awkward. Hella awkward.
I don’t suppose you can just play this in JP without hassles? It being essentially the Chinese port makes me think: no.
Ganba (uploader)
Sometimes the whole voice file plays but the dialogue is split between 2 text boxes but other times the voice just doesn’t play for certain boxes that are meant to be voiced.
You can switch between versions at any time so try to play Flame’s and if that’s too annoying, use the original.
I’m at the final chapter and the scene before fighting Arios causes the game to crash. This is at the Azure Tree/Territory of Kai.
Maybe it has to do with the new voiced lines structure?
Ganba (uploader)
What scene are you talking about? The Arios fight itself has no issues on both the leaked version and the Flame edit.
Nvm, false alarm. I’m a moron.
God, please keep spoiler to minimum, use some fucking alias or something if it’s something major, the before comment just got me a big shit of spoiler, some people maybe just want to check comment to see any update
I changed the resolution to the lowest available on my config.exe as shown here: https://imgur.com/jgVQ5gU (it’s one of the only two resolutions that come with some japanese thing written alongside) and the fps drops on blur effect (Arios’ field attack, Aerial etc.) disappeared. The game runs smoothly. You can then play it on windowed mode together with Borderless Gaming to have it “full screen”. Of course, because the resolution is lowered, the image won’t be as sharp as it can on a 1080p monitor for instance. So it’s a ‘pick your poison’ situation: a) sacrifice resolution quality/play in a smaller window in order to get a smoother fps; or b) have beautiful high-res graphics with occasional fps drops. So here’s my question for people that finished the game already: did these fps drops mess any cutscene throughout the game for you? Please, no spoilers, just technical answer.
I guess I don’t mind playing with this issue if it’s limited to just some quick animations like field attack or some arts, but if it’s going to interfere during cutscene animations somehow, then it might be really distracting.
Based on someone else’s post on reddit, the similar issue with blur on Zero PC had to do with the game using CPU instead of GPU particularly for this effect, so there must be a way of circumventing this problem that doesn’t require massive changes on the exe file.
Ganba (uploader)
Thanks for the info, wasn’t aware of those resolution options. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if the slowdown just didn’t happen based on the resolution (i.e. if it’s small enough), you can edit the resolution in config.ini and on smaller resolution there’s no slowdown either so it’s not tied to that specific resolution.
As for issues with cutscenes, I don’t really recall any actual issue, I think there’s a couple where the blur slowdown happens but it doesn’t affect anything.
Using turbo mode, depending on the cutscene, can make voices or dialogue show up out of sync for a bit but I don’t recall any cutscene where blur slowdown causes that to happen.
By the way, the text in the option is actually 窗口模式专用 or “for window mode”. It seems like the game crashes if you try to play in 544p in fullscreen, 720p doesn’t crash though. Probably somewhat related to the blur slowdown, my guess being that the games handles different resolutions very differently.
No problem. Ok, so, from your answer I assume the blur slowdown is not a regular occurrence, which is good news. My worry was that some scenes could lose their flow or behave poorly due to this problem - imagine, for example, on SC’s prologue, the scene where Estelle and Anelace are training, which is full of action with the sprites jumping all around and with battle effects, etc., if there was too much slowdown on a scene like that, it could ruin the experience in my opinion. If that’s not the case here then everything is fine. Thanks!
EDIT (1): just saw your edit… Oh, so that’s related to windowed mode. I didn’t even try to play on actual full screen, got used to have Borderless Gaming with the Crossbell games. Unfortunately, that 720p didn’t help with the blur slowdown for me, it only worked with 544p (and as you said, I imagine even lower resolutions would be fine too).
I noticed that if I play on 544p, the config.ini changes mode=5 to mode=6 under the [video] parameter. Changing back to my highest resolution reverts that. No idea what it means though =P Probably irrelevant
EDIT (2): 1024x576 also fixes the blur slowdown for me. And it looks just slightly better than 544p on “full screen” with Bordelerss Gaming, so it’s an option… Anything I tried higher than 576p didn’t work, so I guess this is the limit.
Is there any way to use the clear save from the Zero no Kiseki release in this? https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1021814
I know that there are new game saves with clear game imported from Zero, but I’m worried that if/when I do NG+ in Ao, I will not be able to import again…
@ghazer - You basically need to take the savedata folder from Zero and paste it in Ao and rename the folders inside (should be SAV1001 and SYSTEM) and add “_1ST” to the end of folders name, so it will look like this: SAV1001_1ST, and so on. Then in Ao main menu, after starting game, you should have possibility to load zero save
@knur003: Thanks! That worked!
I came across this very easy guide to get a gamepad working for Ao. Also includes a texture pack for DS4 button prompts. Thought I’d share it for everyone here:
Excuse me, but I’m having the same problem as a previous commenter; whenever I get to the scene before THAT fight in the tree, I get an error message and the menu with the questions doesn’t open up, and there’s no way to advance the story. Is there a way to fix this?
Ganba (uploader)
Update your game.
Anyone have issues with letters that presumably have accents? Like Noel and Ilya’s last name: https://i.imgur.com/PibD15H.jpg
I’ve tried running natively in japanese locale, doesn’t change anything.
Ganba (uploader)
Update your game. (Though I don’t remember if I actually got around to fix that specific menu.)
I’m pretty sure I’m running the latest version. I just started playing though, the normal dialog boxes look fine for Noel (although her name doesn’t have any fancy accents). I haven’t noticed any other glaring problems.
I had the same problem as mentioned above with the talking options before meeting Arios on the Core. In the new patch its fixed tho
Hello. I can’t seem to find an explanation as to why I can’t get Zero/Ao no Kiseki beyond 10fps in my computer. I install every patch, run the .bat and configure it in windowed mode as specified but the games will always be stuck in a really poor framerate. The “turbo” mode also seems to not work properly as I press Left Shift and nothing happens. Voices are good and animation quality is good as well, but the framerate makes everything unplayable.
My computer specs are perfectly fine, with an AMD r380x graphics card, but I tried to run the games in a lower specs laptop and, lo and behold, the game runs flawlessly. I think that this is because of something with AMD? The laptop has NVidia and Intel processors so it MIGHT be, but I don’t understand why and can’t find any other people who experienced the same problem as me.
Could someone shed some light on this issue?
Ganba (uploader)
Honestly have no idea, no one has ever mentioned any issues with it. You can attempt to install the Japanese version of Zero (https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1008262) and see if it installs anything you might be missing that’d make the game run better. You can apply the patch to that installation or simply use the Zero torrent (since the files between both are the exact same, only real thing the Zero installer might do is install some software you’re missing).
Outside of that I’m really not sure, maybe try to mess around more with the game options, try compatibility mode, you can even try to remove the voices mod (delete dinput8.dll) but I don’t believe that one would impact performance at all.
I tried doing that, and the game still ran horribly.
Well, it seems I’ll have to suck it up and play exclusively in the laptop…
I’ve installed the Evo voices mod as instructed, but I still get random instances of voiced dialogue where there’s just no voice, is that an issue with the mod or should I reinstall it?
Ganba (uploader)
There will be spots like that, yes, even with the base edit.
My save is corrupted when saving in police academy, do you know the way to fix it?
Ganba (uploader)
Do you not have another save close to that? (Or after?) The issue is really only saving in that area, if you just save after then it’s fine.
I can fix your save though (and put you in the next room so it’s not corrupted anymore) if you really need it. Upload it somewhere and link it here.
Unfortunately, I have only one savefile
Here is my save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h99aC_edhDGHd16fOUND-pqg7ZpC9xe-/view?usp=sharing
Thank you so much!!
Ganba (uploader)
I actually managed to load your save without issues somehow but here’s a save right outside that room either way:
Please see if that’s working for you. Also consider just making new saves in the future, they don’t take much space and it helps with possible bugs.
EDIT: Actually figured out why it worked, I hadn’t loaded any scripts yet when I downloaded my copy of the game again, which caused the bug to not trigger. I have confirmed the save I gave you works fine.
Thanks Ganba! it worked!!
Ganba (uploader)
Someone has released a fixed version of Flame’s edit so there’s significantly (i.e. almost all) more voiced lines. Link in the description.
Now when theres a fix for Flame’s Edit I think there’s no reason to use OG translation,so you can just reupload patched Flame.( If you plan to do it at all of course)
Ganba (uploader)
Not sure I’m doing that as I haven’t personally played it. I do believe it’s fine but people can make that choice themselves. I’ll probably do a v0.15.7 later though.
Ganba (uploader)
v0.15.7 is out. Updated description.
Torrent won’t be reuploaded.
I have a weird issue in which certain special character’s names dont display properly. Like Noel on the prestory tab
Ganba (uploader)
Does it happen anywhere else? That menu has the issue but everything else should be working. See if the instructions in the txt files included in the patch help you.
Ganba (uploader)
If you’re looking for an in-depth guide on installing and other things (like a 60 FPS patch which came out a few days ago), check the guide in this thread: https://en.reddit.com/r/Falcom/g170wy/ (Guide backup: https://pastebin.com/raw/CGp59749)
Personally I just don’t feel like updating this torrent to cover all this as it’s more likely people will stumble across that post than this torrent and it’d just contribute to making things more confusing to people who already are confused. The vast majority of people are also getting their game from sites with outdated patches (and doubtful those sites are keeping track of updates) so again, it’s best to just have people follow that thread.
I’m a bit confused by the quantity of different torrents with patchfixes or improvements that are floating around, so, just a quick question: do I also need 2ndflame voicefix with this one?
Ganba (uploader)
You don’t need that if you patch this torrent to v0.15.7. Otherwise you can follow the guide linked and go with that.
There is now a better guide and all-in-one package for patching Ao that includes all essential mods and improvements that have come out so far. It had a massive “final” update today with many consistency changes to match Geofront’s Zero, as well as fully translated tutorials in the detective notebook that were previously in Chinese.
The latest version of the mod can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/Gb1ytAB It is suitable for updating your already downloaded game, too.
Hoping some one uploads a version already patched with all the fixes :)
Ganba (uploader)
I believe you can use this one https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1243675 no endorsements though.
Ganba (uploader)
It has been updated yet again for anyone only reading now: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1246678
https://en.reddit.com/r/Falcom/gjm8ie/ (And this: https://imgur.com/a/o7hWchz)
Ganba (uploader)
Further updated at https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1246723 now.
Ganba (uploader)
I’d recommend checking Reddit and Imgur for updates instead of Nyaa.
Ganba (uploader)
New torrent: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1251312
Ganba (uploader)
Again: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1254013
Hi. ran into a problem where the installer script is not executing, Tried to run as administrator, the installer opened, but as i pressed any key to continue, the installer window closes by itself. Any ideas? thanks in advance
Ganba (uploader)
This is likely due to your OS.
All the script does is replaced the voice\scena folder with voice\scena_FlameEdit or voice\scena_OriginalLeak, you can do this yourself manually.
Regardless, it’s recommended you follow the guides and downloads linked.
I want to ask… Why my wireless PC controller not working???
The Joypad config always grey… I can’t edit it…
I already change in config scricpt UseGamaPad=1… And even though the joypad config become white and I can edit it, the controller still not working…
I never had this kind of problem when I play from Sora no kiseki until Zero no Kiseki (Geofront)…
Do I must use wired Controller like Xbox 360 Controller???
Ganba (uploader)
Sorry, can’t really offer any help there.
Hello! Apparently, Geofront had already just officially released their fan-localization of Ao no Kiseki! Is there any chance that you would upload it here?
+1 Please upload Geofront’s version here
Ganba (uploader)
Geofront’s version will be uploaded over the week (should be done before next weekend).
Still gotta teat everything and all that, I also want to reupload Zero since it got a final patch.
@Ganba Much obliged. Thank you!
Thank you!