Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 ED Single - Linked Horizon - Rakuen e no Shingeki [FLAC] :: Nyaa ISS

Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 ED Single - Linked Horizon - Rakuen e no Shingeki [FLAC]

2018-09-21 14:00 UTC
No information.
File size:
106.8 MiB
Info hash:
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We need the music video from the limited edition
Gotta wait for someone to buy a physical copy. This is a WEB release.
hey sheldon, shot in the dark here but.... are you able to find anything by True Kiss Destination? And maybe a bit of a easier one: if you can find IA/04 and ONE/01, I will be greatly appreciate it, the only thing I turned up was something from Baidu which could never finish downloading.
I'll look for them when I get home. Also if you have a baidu link I can downlaod it for you.
Thank-you for taking the time! was the link I used. Do you use a special client to download from Baidu? I tried a few tampermonkey scripts for the bigger files but no luck, im trying to avoid using Netdisk.
Tampermonkey scripts don't seem to be working right now. I actually use a chrome extension called baidu-dl in combination with an aria2 downloader. A quick Google search should result in the GitHub for the extension. What's useful about this extension is that you don't need a baidu account to download and you can get speeds up to 30 MB/s. To upload to baidu you still need an account. I actually got lucky since I have a friend who's parents work in China and he gave me his account.
Amazing!! Sanks!! Also. need to finish Amagami SS Anime! Ayatsuji is actually the next girl for episode 19 ^^