I’ll have to wait because the links on that site keep saying the files can’t be found or are inactive. That’s after I’ve made an account. Thanks in advance.
still have trouble with episodes 2,4,and8. all except the solid …something…cloud service on your link say the files are not there. solidstate? don’t remember the name
Comments - 6
Please seed! Someone…anyone… PLEASE!
DR3AMKiiLL3R (uploader)
Lol I’ll seed in a couple hours…busy atm
EDIT: scratch that…files are in storage…you can DDL here https://animetosho.org/view/hellsing-2001-dub.n1084123 or wait for me to seed
you need to make an acc on tosho
I’ll have to wait because the links on that site keep saying the files can’t be found or are inactive. That’s after I’ve made an account. Thanks in advance.
still have trouble with episodes 2,4,and8. all except the solid …something…cloud service on your link say the files are not there. solidstate? don’t remember the name
Thank you! Will seed as much as possible.
wow glad to see others on top of this thanks