[ParanDark] Bleach Subtitles+patches for SOFCJ Raws (read description) :: Nyaa ISS

[ParanDark] Bleach Subtitles+patches for SOFCJ Raws (read description)

2019-04-19 14:20
No information.
File size:
792.2 MiB
Info hash:

The subtitles for 001-024 are from KAA (based on lunar) and 025-165 for arigatou.

  • Created chapters and named
  • Replaced words & titles such as soul slayer to Zanpakutou, soul reaper to Shinigami, mr, miss etc.
  • Sorted out name order i.e Rukia Kuchiki to Kuchiki Rukia (or as pronouced)
  • Added honorifics
  • Created Kanji, Romanji, English lyrics for karaoke.
  • Created a karaoke for every OP/ED
  • For EP25-51 added lunar trans for ‘Kon-sama no Shinigami daizukan’ as not in Arigatou subs. Ep14-24 done by KAA
  • EP63 Got lunar subs for the first 24min (recap) and the bount arc preview at end of the episode by OCR. Arigatou subs missing it.
  • For EP52-EP74 (Excluding 63) Intro translation copied from Lunar, timed and pasted to eps as better than Arigatou subs.
  • Shifted the timing of the subtitles to match SOFCJ. Improved timing by correct lead in/out, snapping to keyframes.
  • Split overlapping sentences or lines with long gaps between phrases. Joined lines which were split mid-sentence, swapped lines around where spoken words not matching subtitles (only the worst lines done, particularly lines with a name spoken)
  • Added own rough translation for Shinigami’s Illustrated Picture Book! EP 152, 153, 154, 167
  • Added DB translation for Shinigami’s Illustrated Picture Book! 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 164, 165 166,
  • Created a karaoke only track,semi-bold font track
  • Corrections to English Karaoke lines made

Thanks you Paran!!


File list

  • Bleach Zip File.7z (792.2 MiB)

How do these subtitles compare to the official DVD subtitles?

If you have the fixed episode 101 that this patch looks for, you should upload it since the original’s link has been down for some time.

DR3AMKiiLL3R (uploader)


tbh albin i wouldn’t know…

i do but it’s in storage…won’t be able to upload until Wednesday

Does this work with the BD Versión? Thanks for sharing :)

DR3AMKiiLL3R (uploader)


nooo…you can try to sync it but the VFR might give you issues?

when he was timing he ran into this issue
"(SOFCJ has few keyframes so subtitles run over a bit to next frame, can’t be asked to resolve especially as VFR)"

so you would have to fix it

Please re-upload D.gray man subs :\

DR3AMKiiLL3R (uploader)


there’s a google drive download link in comments

Check the small updates torrent

@OP, can you clarify? Will the batch files take original SOFCJ files and make new files with new names? Looking at the code, I think it copies and remuxes the subs, fonts, and chapters into the new files. So we will need an extra ~95GB of space to do this?

xdelta3 -d -s “[SOFCJ-Raws] Bleach - 001 (DVDRip 768x576 x264 VFR 10bit FLAC).mkv” “Bleach_Patch_Ep001.xdelta” “[ParanDark]Bleach-001(DVD_576p_x264_VFR_10bit_FLAC).mkv”

DR3AMKiiLL3R (uploader)


i don’t think so

This is my theory: A patch is an update so it’ll get rid off sofcj and make new…which is why you wanna back up the raws just in case

I haven’t patched or muxed this sorry…life is in the way

This is pretty sweet. Thank you!

And please do upload ep 101 v2 when you can.


DR3AMKiiLL3R (uploader)


Let’s pretend Google translate is garbage…dude what Lol english plz

@DR3AMKiiLL3R mind reseed? thank you~ really appreciate it~

for those who may want to know
only Bleach SOFCJ to ParanDark Patches folder is needed for patching
all SOFCJ mkv’s go in Bleach SOFCJ to ParanDark Patches folder
yes 98-99 GB more space is needed as each final file is like 5MB larger and SOFCJ files are not deleted after patching

if anyone lives his life on the edge, would rather have SOFCJ files deleted after patching command completion
WARNING whether patching command fails or succeeds after each patching command completes running over a SOFCJ mkv, that SOFCJ mkv will be deleted.
Put windows patcher (no backing up of SOFCJ files) - SOFCJ to ParanDark.bat in Bleach SOFCJ to ParanDark Patches folder, put all SOFCJ mkv’s in Bleach SOFCJ to ParanDark Patches folder. Run windows patcher (no backing up of SOFCJ files) - SOFCJ to ParanDark.bat

it’s really great work
we need the rest of the episodes

I won’t be watching this for a while but from the description its exactly what I wanted to do at some point

will you continue the series ? i have upto season 8

Great work, Much appreciated from a big Bleach fan. Any plans on doing episodes 167-309/366? Or does that depend on SOFCJ’s encodes.

I would love to see something like this for the Bluray releases

Is there a mega link for the sofcj raws? The torrent is dead.

DR3AMKiiLL3R (uploader)


Got them from ru tracker - thanks. What’s the best source for episodes 168+? I’ve got the DB subs but they are TVrip. Are there any good subs of the DVD rips?

@DR3AMKiiLL3R Yes, having the rest of subs would be great! same style :) Pleaseee ps. what about this 101 ep fix?
@Broleta what name was it on ru tracker ? thanks

best subtitles i could find, i downloaded the [Judas] torrents for the quality vs size, seems to be the best i could find, but the subs were terrible, this @ParanDark subs seem to be the best, they do not sync with Judas well so i used ( https://github.com/sc0ty/subsync ) to fix them in case anyone is interested i hope this helps.

Anyway thank for the subtitles and i sure hope there are more for the rest of the anime, if anyone knows if there are or where to find them plz let me know.

got around to finally re-watching bleach with these subs

translation is very bad in a lot of places. Bad as in completely wrong. random "shup up"s popping up when characters say “ano/eto” ???
extremely inconsistent with reiatsu/reishi etc. leaving some as is, while translating others
misplaced commas everywhere, repeated lines…
Decent overall, probably the best when it comes to bleach (that we have as of now), but needs a massive overhaul.
If no one does it by the time I re-watch Bleach again (in a couple of years), then I’ll do it.

You’re a hero, can’t express enough how much I was looking for it. I mean it’s been so many years, what are the chances?