Hey everyone, it’s time for episode 2!
For anyone interested in the sodium lamp/black flame bit, it checks out. You can do it with other elements as well, too.
The way it works is based off of how atoms absorb and emit energy as photons. To get a “black flame” you need to have two parts, a light source (such as a lamp) and a flame. The wavelength of light (directly related to color) that the lamp emits has to be the same wavelength of light that the flame emits. So by using a sodium lamp and burning sodium, you have the same wavelength of light emitted from the lamp as the light emitted from the sodium flame. Emission works in tandem with absorption. Sodium atoms emit a very specific wavelength, and they also absorb that exact same wavelength. What happens here is the sodium flame is emitting light, and also absorbing a lot of light from the lamp, and re-emitting it as the same color. Due to how it emits light, it scatters it in all directions. When you look at the two, the lamp looks a lot brighter than the flame, and the flame appears dark, or black.
Hope everyone enjoys!
Huge thanks to
QC: Alice Monaco
OP/ED TL: XiaYixuan
Encode: zen
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