The Bakemonogatari TV series has an intro which is a recap of the events of Kizumonogatari. The only problem is that it doesn’t look anything like the Kizumonogatari movies, which were made years later with a higher budget. My solution was to recreate the Bakemonogatari intro by replacing each shot from the TV intro with the corresponding shot from the Kizu movies, such that the length of each shot matches frame-for-frame with the original TV episode (otherwise the audio would get out of sync).
In order to watch the full series, you need my edit for episode 1 as well as anyone else's release of the full series. My release includes a patch for Windows users which detects what version of Bakemonogatari you already have and automatically matches the subs with your version (most non-hardsubbed releases are supported).
The patch also enables the option to turn on and off Marathon mode for your existing version of Bakemonogatari, which is a familiar feature from the Madoka Magica v2 fancut that automatically skips the theme songs whenever they're not important (it always plays each one at least once).
Full user manual and FAQ:
Mega link in case the torrent download is slow:!U8IByQYS!64I4ZCOnjHFkLorU6APlmNekZ8oIp7n0DFirpXtOPLk
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