>“Are you okay, mister?” changed to "Are you okay, dump-man?"
Fucking hilarious. Mate, dump here is an abbreviation for dump truck. No one uses “dump” as an abbreviation for “dump truck” in English.
if you use blur on a line with a border, it only blurs the border, which looks quiet bad. you have to use 2 layers in that case. also the colors are just not even close for most of the signs. i’m not sure how you can even pick colors that off on purpose.
Are you going to remove truck from all other instances of “dump truck” in the subs as well? Because, they call the truck a “dump” during the entire conversation.
mlz… “illegitimi non carborundum” (don’t let the bastards grind you down). I don’t see other people or teams rushing to clean up the garbage that Funi passes off as subtitles.
Regarding the color matches… I demuxed a script and noticed that you’ve left the YCbCr Matrix at its default value of TV.601. You should set it to TV.709 in future scripts, for better color fidelity on HD displays and TVs. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rec._709)
Comments - 13
Thank you
are you just allergic to blur or something
mad_le_zisell (uploader)
No. I’ve used blur. 90% are either 0.5 either 1.0. More would look not so good IMO.
>“Are you okay, mister?” changed to "Are you okay, dump-man?"
Fucking hilarious. Mate, dump here is an abbreviation for dump truck. No one uses “dump” as an abbreviation for “dump truck” in English.
mad_le_zisell (uploader)
She called him “Dampu-hito”. Which is literally “Dump-Person”.
if you use blur on a line with a border, it only blurs the border, which looks quiet bad. you have to use 2 layers in that case. also the colors are just not even close for most of the signs. i’m not sure how you can even pick colors that off on purpose.
Are you going to remove truck from all other instances of “dump truck” in the subs as well? Because, they call the truck a “dump” during the entire conversation.
mad_le_zisell (uploader)
I don’t remember removing “truck” word at all. But again, I’ve spent 12+ hours for signs only and simply don’t remember what else I’ve changed.
Should’ve fixed the name romanization if you’re gonna do this shit.
typeset looks okay, too bad the video quality sucks
mlz… “illegitimi non carborundum” (don’t let the bastards grind you down). I don’t see other people or teams rushing to clean up the garbage that Funi passes off as subtitles.
Regarding the color matches… I demuxed a script and noticed that you’ve left the YCbCr Matrix at its default value of TV.601. You should set it to TV.709 in future scripts, for better color fidelity on HD displays and TVs. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rec._709)
mad_le_zisell (uploader)
Maybe I should put it to PC 709?
This show was really heartwarming, thanks for subbing it!
Looking forward to the second episode.