All Yuki Terai related dvd:
Yuki Terai 1 Secret Live (PCBC-50047)
Yuki Terai 2 Secret Films (PCBC-50048)
Terai Yuki in Virtual Hawaii 1 (PCBC-50128)
Terai Yuki in Virtual Hawaii 2 (PCBC-50129)
Dancing Queen featuring Yuki Terai (AVBA-14073P)
all the rage of 3D idols around the beginning of the millenium
next to come will be FeiFei and Virtual Star 2000
Usually titles are accurately portrayed, but テライユキ is getting bastardized. Fucking dumb how little respect Japanese gets, even by Japanese people. (aniDB is usually cool.) I'll never understand it.
@futagen well, even the japanese dvd are not consistent with the naming order ... (you can see that from the main menu screencaps for the various dvd in this release)
The Japanese title seems correct from everything I saw, including official JP material. I don't see how it's bastardization of the language just because it's not in "correct" order.
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