EDIT: This project is dropped, sorry for the inconvenience.
Saiunkoku Monogatari, episodes 01-07.
Translation: R1
Timing/editing: kattara
Everything else: motbob
Brutal official script to time. Did you know that there’s a very nice “join lines” script that you can set to a hotkey in Aegisub? I recommend it to every timer.
Please leave feedback in the comments, good or bad.
It is recommended that you use mpv, or MPC-HC with XySubFilter or AssFilterMod, to watch this and other releases of mine.
All components of this release are released into the public domain to the greatest extent possible.
Comments - 8
Thanks, motbob. I can cross this off my list of “to do’s”. ;)
If you would like the OP kara from S2 C1-Animanda version (S1 and S2 use the same OP song), let me know. It has an odd aspect ratio, so you can’t allow Aegisub to ‘scale’ it; the font size and margins need to be scaled by hand.
Thank you everyone!
Does this keep the change made to the R1 subs where Kou Shuurei is referred to as Hong Shuurei
motbob (uploader)
No, her name appears as Ko here.
Pity the rest was never done.
If only there were subs for the rest from Okay-Raws…
Hmm… Should I keep working on this?