An update of this one:
To clarify why i did not do this sooner instead of 1 year later (On the bottom of discussion): Also grab that version while you are at it because Saha scans are more complete, probably.
Only vol 1 and 3 got updated with minor changes like: spacing, coma. Dialogue, page number stay the same. So just download those 2 volumes if you have the previous one.!s5RTnA5S!thEZRZX_QSG3Xz9AlQQ4CEYKPYb_1EqiO6g-S_95t9w!h4JTHIhR!ht7jd62lL7AP1Pi4P_2DlbmIVdDEOUjzq1p9bMEwWHU
Ignore it if you don’t like it. I only want to share what I have
Comments - 16
Thanks for the update. Helping seed.
Guess they didn’t include the extra cover illustration as noted above in the discussion link that SaHa’s original included from the Japanese tanks. not certain if this is part of the tank or not
Some sample comparisons between thhis official to SaHa.
hafini (uploader)
@noZA_ No problem. I am just frustrated of kickstarting this and don’t have everything sorted out and ready to go regardless of how minor the differences maybe.
Also, those are everything Digital Manga provided and as official as this series can get. Unless maybe someone upload the omnibus for comparison.
Like I’ve said in the other upload, you can merge these back together quite easily and the ToC for each omnibus lines up perfectly. The only issue is with Omnibus v02 (volumes 4-6), it’s either missing like 9 pages (495-504), or Digital Manga messed up with the ToC since chapter 41 is supposed to start with pg505, but it starts with pg495.
I can’t tell, since I can’t find the raws of the japanese omnibus, but there is nothing missing compared to SaHa’s releases, so I guess it must be an error in the ToC.
@DelishCaek It must be an error in the ToC then cuz as I wrote in the discussion I looked at Vol 2 between SaHa and the official (which took me sometime) and they were the exact same panel to panel no missing pages at all. I did not pay attention if the ToC in Vol 1 was on point in the page numbering for the official in Vol 2.
@ hafini … something you said over in my torrent It really is disheartening to see a wonderful work like this first being trashed then mishandled by spineless Western publisher but that is all we have now in term of “official licensing”. … made me curious, so I did some digging in to who and what Digital Manga is … the way you said things, I am assuming that you are not an American, no problem (there are times I wish I was not an American any more)
… it looks like you got sucked in by very slick advertising on a web site … it appears that Digital Manga is an “umbrella company”, they themselves don’t do anything except rake in the money, then the actual projects are farmed out to other companies, in the case of regular manga they use
I do not know who actually did the supposed actual publishing work on the version of KnJ that you paid for … the reason I say that, is because the version of KnJ you paid for does not appear on the emanga website, I looked through the “K” section of their manga list and it is not there
as far as an official English version of the omnibus vol’s, Dark Horse did that, but from what I can see it was only done in paper copy
… if Dark Horse had put out a digital version of the omnibus vol’s then it might be easier to see how all the missing page/confused numbering problems DelishCaek keeps pointing out, are actually supposed to be
@ hozjiwpoo4jt221 …ahhh ok … so Digital Manga pretended that KnJ was hentai, even though it was not
… it looks like a LOT of people got ripped-off/screwed by Digital Manga
I said that over in my torrent …
… I can well imagine that the people who set that up laughed all the way to their banks as they deposited LOTS of money they pretty much stole from those who donated
hafini (uploader)
Their catalog is such a mess. When I got the volumes last year, it was still on their emanga website.
Nevetheless, It is quite insulting that they are listing KnJ and other ecchi manga along side a bunch of just straight-up hentai. Seriously, WTF, that would give people the wrong impression about the manga. Now I feel angry. Just fuck all those PC trash who falsely condemned this as being child porn.
@ hafini … the reason that companies like Digital Manga do that, is to increase sales of a manga by misrepresenting it
… let’s be honest … hentai/porn sells , it sells LOT of copies (LOL, just look at the download numbers of the stuff I am uploading over on the fap side of nyaa) … so if you present a story as porn/hentai instead of what it really is … it will sell more copies … yes it is lying about that the product/story is, but the companies that do that don’t care … all they want is more sales
… sadly, lying about what a product is, is a common practice in American business (the reasons for this are way too involved to go into in here)
if I may make a suggestion to you … if you get an idea to do another project like this … I suggest that you only deal with one of the reputable manga companies, like Seven Seas, Dark Horse, Viz, or Yen Press, those companies actually care about the reputation of their company, and do things in a professional manner … instead of just ripping-off people
I’ll go with this version, thanks for updating it. I don’t get why there is an argument going on over which version is better, isn’t the translation more touched up in this one?
hafini (uploader)
@komugi Well, this was the only thing that came up regarding KnJ after Seven Seas dropped their ball on publishing it. I know kickstarter is 98% scam but still.
At least they managed to fulfill their goals and gave me an ok product.
@ hafini … I understand what you are saying … and yeah, I remember the discussions many years ago, about it supposedly coming out in English by Seven Seas … and if I remember correctly it was a couple of pages in ch’s 43 & 44 (vol 7) that nuked the idea of it getting publishing in English … to the American public (still governed by things like the comic code authority)
there are some thing you do NOT show a girl doing if it is obvious that she is under the age of 18 … to the Comic Code Authority, the entire idea of an under-18 girl being romantically involved with someone older than 18 was controversial enough … but then “those” pages completely scared any American publishing company away from ever printing it
(and we don’t even need to go into the scene where Rin is shown contemplating pushing Houin down the stairs to get rid of a romantic rival for the same male teacher)
I haven’t picked this up before.
Should I get this or the SaHa version.
@scificriminal Obviously neither one.
RAWs or nothing.
Thanks! ^^