There hasn’t been an easy way public to download a comprehensive pack of epwing dictionaries, until now. Behold, some dude’s messy epwing collection.
It’s probably not inclusive of every notable Japanese epwing dictionary released online so far, but it could be or close. Some of them were converted to epwing by myself and not seen anywhere else. I hope people looking for a Japanese epwing dictionaries pack could just download this and be set. Here is the messy list:
To use epwing files with Goldendict, you may want to have this expression in your %goldendict%/portable/article-style.css:
.epwing_article h3 {
For a collection of Japanese dictionaries in other Goldendict compatible format, see:
Comments - 3
nani fucking kore
Heads up, Shinmeikai 7 renders like garbage and unusable in both epwing and logovista formats, tested with goldendict, quolibri, and ebwin4. A proper version has still not surfaced anywhere.
Good! but no seed…