Source H264 TS (NTV+) + Korean TS & DVD
Video: h264 CRF 10
Color: 10 bits
Edition: Fabrebatalla18 and Lyswh
Audio: FLAC
Custom English title uses textless edit.
#### Some screenshots:
#### HD textless:
![]( "HD Textless")
#### HD texted:
![]( "HD Texted")
#### Custom English title:
![]( "Custom English title")
#### Original title:
![]( "Original title")
#### Custom English title GIF preview:
![]( "Custom English Title GIF")
### Ok, let's talk about this Opening:
#### First, usually we use MPEG2 TS's, but for this one we got a far better looking H264 TS, I won't explain everything, just show you guys the difference, when we have quick frames like this one:
#### H264:
![]( "Original title")
#### MPEG2:
![]( "Original title")
#### Second, it misspells "Bourbon" as "Burbon", this has been fixed, editing the original video:
#### Original:
#### Edited:
#### Edited GIF:
![]( "Bourbon")
#### Third and last, there wasn't a DVD for the second version of the opening, so we had to edit the things that changed, the first edit it's a bit noticeable, the second one looks pretty cool, but well that's all we have for editing it ^^
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