Languages: English and Russian
Instructions: Inside the “Umineko” folder click on “onscripter-ru” to start the game, the save files will be located inside a folder named “ONScripter-RU” which will be located inside the hidden “ProgramData” folder where your Windows OS is installed.
Credits: Umineko Project
Comments - 39
Such a good way to start a new year, thank you.
Amazing! Thanks for the upload.
Fucking Good Mate :D
2020 is off to a good start!
Best vn in my opinion
Is this the version one which has cool graphics and lots of voices?
Best version?
Haven’t played either of them, but it is my understanding this explicitly has the PS3 ported graphics, and ADV mode for both the question AND answer arcs. While the other one has the Pachinko (new Steam/MG) and “original” art as an option as well, and only a slightly cumbersome way to make the answer arc ADV-styled.
Slightly different TL (obviously done by hardcore fans, so they probs knew what they were doing) which I have no idea how compares to the other one. Both are quality, is my guess. Shouldn’t be THAT different.
Both voiced, ofc. However, lipsync present here, not so in the other one.
If you asked 10 people, you would probably get 11 best version suggestions on “how to play it?”.
So depends on which sprites you prefer, whether lipsync adds or detracts for you, and the TL. Flip a coin / some coins… xD
The translation in this isn’t that good (they literally use the term Rokkenjimagate for the incident lmfao), the Steam script is much better. I have no doubt the latter get inserted into this port eventually, though.
07th Mod already let you insert PS3 sprites and backgrounds into the Steam version, the only major difference this port has is animated backgrounds and lipsync basically.
Seriously, if you wanna read Umineko for the first time and you want PS3 graphics, please just get the Steam version and modding it with the above mentioned, at least for the time being.
^ Well… You didn’t make things easier! xD
Gave this a couple of minutes (btw, huge thanks for all the people working on these mods; forgot to say that previously), and the dialogue seemed fine - though I’ll say that judging from the first ~15 minutes a VN of 50h+ caliber is bullshit lol -, and have to admit I quite enjoyed the lipsync. And the animated backgrounds are only present in this one you say? That would be a plus too, no?
Out of curiosity, how does the new MG script handle that “term”?
The port is pretty nice for the most part and I admire the dedication on the team’s part, I just have gripes with the script, I still do find lipsync a bit cursed not really sure why but that’s just my opinion lol and their job was porting everything from the PS3 version which they did do, but yeah once the script’s done I think this is the definitive version if you want to play with PS3 graphics
Yeah, the animated backgrounds are a plus, but they don’t really show THAT often, it’s only in specific scenes (butterflies, fight scenes), like yeah they’re nice but I don’t feel like people are missing out on much on a first read…
I can’t really say the actual term since it’s kiiinda a spoiler and afaik nyaa doesn’t have spoiler tags, but if you drop Rokkenjimagate on Google you get the term the Steam version uses
Hey, thanks for the feedback!
I googled it… I had a sneaking suspicion regarding what ma-ga-te could actually mean… And sure enough. lol
So the things you said hold true for the 8_Beta (this) version? Or maybe it was in an iteration from a while ago? It seems to me that they’ve been fine-tuning their scripts through the years (after having a look at their page), supposedly going back to correct things in the already released chapters if need be.
Another reason of me asking this is because yesterday looking around a bit, I found some promo vids from a couple years ago, when the lipsync I guess was still being worked on, and…yeah, looked a lot less polished.
So there may be some merit in holding off for the alpha, is what you are saying basically, right?
I mean, I DID want to go through Higurashi originally, before stumbling upon this last week, so I guess the wait could be bearable. (not so) Funny story, there I still haven’t decided whether to go for the ported, lipsynced PS2(3?) sprites, or the new ones. But thankfully, there isn’t a whole another script to consider too, for that…
Still, I refuse to be some anime-archetype indecisive protag, so… A coin flip it is!! xD
Huge props to the modders, at any rate. hat tip
Thank you @zhii and @Ushiromiya.
I haven’t played this game yet, and it has so many versions that I don’t know which one should I donwload. It’s confusing.
Like zhil, I also like lip sync. Voices and graphics are a huge plus. Even if translation is little off, it is managable since I have some fair knowledge in japanese.
So… I should go with this version right?
The ones that I have download previously are (haven’t played yet) [Ep 1-4] [Ep 5-8]
So the first one is I believe from the same group as this, for the Question Arc (Ep 1-4). Essentially a previous iteration of this version, back when they have “only” worked through the first 4 Episodes. You can forget about it. This is an updated version of that.
The second… Well, not really sure, tbh. It probably is the “tweak-patched” 2011/09 Japanese Windows version. So patched with the English TL from Witch Hunt, with the PS3 assets also ported to the PC version (all this done in 2013-June). Don’t know if they did any TL-script edits, though…
Here is their own introduction: "About us: We are Umineko Fans whose loyalty resulted us in creating some of the first complete Sprite/Background patches for the Visual Novel. Currently our project helped create the Umineko Project at who is patching the game for the full PS3 vision. For our original interchangable vision’s legacy is being continued by 07th Mod. Currently you can download our Original Patches until the Chiru patch is complete by both groups."
Guess it’s a safe bet again to either use this here or the 07th Mod one for those episodes (5-8), because apparently they encorporate and build upon (and update, I guess) the one you linked (ergo the Tweaking Umineko version).
So… Them’s the facts.
Also, there are the (short) side-stories Hane and Tsubasa to consider -which apparently you can only get through 07th Mod version right now-, and yeah, the PS4 version (remaster? dunno) coming out in the not-so-far future.
Just to make you squeam some more… xD
Then there is no doubt! Thanks @zhil, I will go with this one here.
Holy shit, it has more than 50k files! Moving them and making backup is such a pain lol. Umineko group should have compiled them.
But beggers can’t be choosers. Thank you!!
So if anyone is still weighing their options and hasn’t yet started, there is seemingly an effort going on of porting the updated Witch Hunt [which I assume is the equivalent of the Steam / Mangagamer release’s script (please do correct me if I’m wrong), ergo the one that the 07th mod version uses] script to the Umineko Project port version (so this one), by some wonderful people on GitHub at
so maybe check there for progress reports. Better yet, if you are serious about it and want to help (and know how to! xD), do so!
Also you can actually compare the lines there, so that may defo help if you are still undecided.
Again, huge thanks to all the people that make these things possible!
Btw, try to show your support to developers, if you can… wink
how come this has several seeders, but the download hasn’t made a single kilobyte of progress all day
I need help someone, anyone, please!
I’ve just finished the chapter 3 of this version: and I have no idea what to do after I finish the 4th chapter…
Should I just install this and unlock chapters 1-4 without having to play them again? Or can I somehow transfer my save files with achievments?
And what about the translation?? @Ushiromiya (What a name, huh) noted the translation isn’t that good and that this version uses the term “Rokkenjimagate”…
But that’s the same term that was in the version I’m currently playing… So I guess it doesn’t really matter
So, well… I can’t even download it. It crashes no matter what I do. I had to even reinstall μTorrent because of it
What should I do? Doesn’t anyone have Mega link or something? Please…?
Here’s my e-mail, if you had an idea, thank you:
Audio seems slightly distorted for me, and the game stutters a bit. Tried changing compatibility mode and game renderers around, with my system locale already in Japanese. Anything else I could try? Thanks for upload as well, been meaning to get into the game for a while now.
How can you even download this? It hangs the client, crashes every minute and contains like 30000+ files which makes it crash in the first place. I request you to compress the files and create a fresh torrent. This is ridiculous.
Yup, hangs my uTorrent v3.4.9 (my primary client). Actually manages to load it after a good 4 minutes’ of hang, but after adding it to the queue, if hangs for another 5 minutes, then wham–crashes. Tried it with qBittorrent, and started up within seconds, and without any hiccups, though.
So yeah, there it is.
Hello. Just wanted to comment that I downloaded this via Tixati and had NO issues. Was reading all these comments from people with utorrent, sounds like a utorrent problem. Anyway, currently on episode 5/8 (around 60 hours playtime so far, about 50 left to go i seems) and the translations seem great. This version is vastly superior to the ps2 + ps3 sprite option as the menu and dialogue text is not cancer font. Also this version fits a 1080 x 1920 screen. That is all.
@zhii - Thanks for the update. Tried Vuze before commenting to no avail.
@CrustyBagel - Thanks for the confirmation.
The problem was that Utorrent was pre-allocating all files at the same time which led to the crash. I solved it by turning off pre-allocation.
@Hikki Glad you solved the issue Hikki I hope you enjoy the VN!
How to run this on OSX?
does anyone know if this translation is better the Steam/Manga Gamer version? i’ll use 07th mod for PS3 sprites, backgorunds and voices. the lip-sync isn’t that important but if this translation is better (or at least the same) i’ll download this.
Honestly, maybe just, you know, read the comments here? ;)
@Hikki - Glad you’ve managed to solve it. That’s something maybe I should try tinkering with in my uTorrent as well, so thanks!
Hello! Can you fix this torrent? The Magnet Link doesn’t work and the .torrent file makes the client crash. On a computer the client start’s working after a while but it can’t be fixed on an android client.
I finished with this torrent earlier this month. It’s absolutely fantastic. I was worried about the translation from stuff like “Rokkenjimagate” but it honestly is so small and rarely happens it doesn’t matter. This is definitely the definitive version to play.
Is this torrent working for anyone else? I’ve tried it on several computers and even tried re-installing my torrent program (qBittorent). On one of my PCs the DL status just comes up as Error, on the other the torrent gets stuck on “queued for processing” and doesn’t load at all.
And yes I’ve read the comments, my torrents are not set to pre-allocate files and I’m not using Utorrent which was the running theory that was why it wasn’t working for people. Any ideas?
does anyone have any clue on how to activate automode? tried everything on my keyboard but only found control being the skip button
damn i can’t download this my client crashes for some reason. Turned off pre allocating and used tixati still the same results. I really hope you guys can compress this.
Installed qBittorrent since it wouldn’t work on Deluge, worked splendidly with default settings.
Can’t download with qBittorent and Deluge. Pre-allocation is off.
Is this the only place I can get this? Anywhere else seems to have the 4:3 version, I want the 16:9 version.
You can download and extract all the game resources from the Umineko Project page itself, as well as following their instructions to make the game work.
However, most of the files are encrypted with a password only gotten by owning both the PS3 and PC version of Umineko, so as tiring as it sounds, you either buy both games or google the extraction password out.
And Umineko Project is not the only 16:9 version of the game; there is the 07th-Mod patch to modify the Steam/MangaGamer release (locked at 4:3) with the same PS3 sprites, backgrounds, voice acting, and 16:9 resolution Umineko Project has, so there’s that as an alternative, only lacking the lip-sync, chapter jump, CG/BGM box, and other stuff UmiPro added that 07th does not have. Everything else is essentially the same, though.
Thanks for the info! I didn’t know you can mod the Steam version to 16:9. I’ll do my research.
how do i update this?