If it’s not seeded, just grab this, it should be the same thing
QC-ed FFF TV subs with Beatrice-Raws’ encode
Video: 1920x1080 H.264 10-bit
Audio: FLAC (16 bit)
Subs: FFF with dialogue fixes
Vol.01 - Torrent page - Download - Magnet
Vol.02 - Torrent page - Download - Magnet
Vol.03 - Torrent page - Download - Magnet
Vol.04 - Torrent page - Download - Magnet
Comments - 9
thanks bruh, was waiting for FFF release but who knows when. thanks again!
You can wait forever bud. FFF is pretty much dead.
Zastin (uploader)
FFFs in the chat
yeah that’s why i dont wait no more and DL this instead XD
Great work my hero < 3 Domo
Zastin, any chance you can lower the fog on the few shower scene in episode 10?
Zastin (uploader)
best youll get without some sort of uncensored source is this https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=171307 but itll probably look super weird
seed? 3 of the seeders are not connectable
i think 3 peers also experience the same thing