@MrDeadpool use the MAS_1.3_AIO_ 7-Zip from any MS Office 2016 Pro Plus VL x64 MULTi-22 MAY 2020 {Gen2} official torrent (my personal preference, any kms activator from mydigitallife will work ok). Put the KMS activator folder on the “exclude” in the antivirus, reinstall windows from an updated source every 6 month to avoid low performance. And thanks for all the hard work!!!
@MrDeadpool I suppose that, unless you have disabled various services, such as those that connect to the internet on a mandatory basis ;), this works with all versions of windows 10. Anyway, thanks for everything and good luck!
@MrDeadpool “guys if you can plz give a review big help”, yes, the manga is better. https://imgur.com/a/7QOXF9H Quality it’s very good for the size, some Color Bleeding, Mosquito noise. The english dub it’s very good.
Why didn’t you use your video player’s screenshot function?
Don’t listen to anyone that suggests torrenting/using KMSpico for the activation. Download Windows 10 from the official website and activate it using HWIDGEN.
Comments - 22
Activate Windows
Go to Settings to activate Windows.
MrDeadpool (uploader)
@Simplistic well i tried activating but small problem with the copy so have to re-install (sometime it’s their, sometimes it’s not so)
Use Linux :)
Use kmspico.
MrDeadpool (uploader)
tried that problem with the copy @sff
that’s why it doesn’t have in the 1st one
kmspico gay HWIDGEN by s1ave77 is where its at
@MrDeadpool use the MAS_1.3_AIO_ 7-Zip from any MS Office 2016 Pro Plus VL x64 MULTi-22 MAY 2020 {Gen2} official torrent (my personal preference, any kms activator from mydigitallife will work ok). Put the KMS activator folder on the “exclude” in the antivirus, reinstall windows from an updated source every 6 month to avoid low performance. And thanks for all the hard work!!!
MrDeadpool (uploader)
i know that @carlosdek this is not your typical windows 10
it’s modified so few bugs
@MrDeadpool I suppose that, unless you have disabled various services, such as those that connect to the internet on a mandatory basis ;), this works with all versions of windows 10. Anyway, thanks for everything and good luck!
MrDeadpool (uploader)
guys if you can plz give a review big help
Activate Windows
Go to Settings to activate Windows.
MrDeadpool (uploader)
@LightArrowsEXE no i will keep it

Nice screenshots.
Activate Windows btw.
@MrDeadpool “guys if you can plz give a review big help”, yes, the manga is better. https://imgur.com/a/7QOXF9H Quality it’s very good for the size, some Color Bleeding, Mosquito noise. The english dub it’s very good.
Go to Settings to activate Windows.
thank you for sharing… will wait for 1080p though.
Why didn’t you use your video player’s screenshot function?
Don’t listen to anyone that suggests torrenting/using KMSpico for the activation. Download Windows 10 from the official website and activate it using HWIDGEN.
MrDeadpool (uploader)
Okay I fixed it happy
Episodes audio are not in sync
MrDeadpool (uploader)
Ep-03 patch
if their are more let me know now
Only one episode 3
Thank you ?