[Live-eviL]_Slayers_Perfect_Movie_v3.1_[BD][720p][64D1FE2E].mkv :: Nyaa ISS


2020-09-04 00:12 UTC
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1.7 GiB
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![SlayersPerfect](https://i.imgur.com/FTf7E3M.jpg) https://myanimelist.net/anime/536/Slayers__The_Motion_Picture Slayers Perfect Movie (720p) Subtitled by Live-eviL Fansubs Fixes, etc. Smh.

File list

  • [Live-eviL]_Slayers_Perfect_Movie_v3.1_[BD][720p][64D1FE2E].mkv (1.7 GiB)
Aww, I don't know what people are complaining about? We already know Slayers JPN BD's in general aren't the best of the bunch. Still feel disappointed with the way they handle the original TV BD's. https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1163647
If we're going to start calling arguments / discussions about fansubs "toxic comments", we might as well pack it all it in and eagerly await the release of High Guardian Spice. "Dragu Slave" or "Drag Slave" sound correct to me, but I guess we probably won't be hashing that out here.
@Cliesthe: it doesn't matter if it sounds correct to you. It's NOT correct. This isn't really debatable. Facts are facts. This whole "Dragu" nonsense came from a poorly translated interview with the author.
@DmonHiro: Well then lay it out for me. I'm quite willing to hear your reasoning.
i doubt they're gonna design a feature to let you disable comments when the comments are actually constructive criticism for once instead of the usual shitposting
Well, Cliesthe, I wouldn't have to lay it out for you if they hadn't deleted the last torrent where I explained it. Basically, the spells is written as 竜破斬 in kanji. The first kanji means "dragon", the second means "to break" and the third means "to slash". It reads as "The slash that breaks the dragon". It's also what the creator of the spell in the Slayers universe, Lei Magnus , killed with it. The only think "Dragu" is is a city in Transylvania.
@DmonHiro: I was under the impression that the reason why it ends up being pronounced "Dragu Slave" is because the incantation got corrupted from "Dragon Slayer" over the years.
No, the incantation corruption went as follows: Dragon Slayer -> Dragon Slay -> Dragon Slave. That can only happen when you take in account how the Japanese pronounce English. Someone said "Dragon Slayer" too fast and in sounded like "Dragon Slay". Then someone probably said "Dragon Slay" too fast and it sounded like "Dragon Slave". ドラグ = do ra gu. If that all we had to go on, maybe "Dragu" could be acceptable. But we have the damn kanji.
To be clear, you support "Dragon" Slave as the correct fansub? Because to my ear the "n" is totally absent in the pronunciation, as a deliberate feature showing the corruption of the word "dragon", and if the n was present then the transliteration would be "Dragun" instead. Maybe we have to rely on the furigana in the original novels (if any was used at all) or even the original script, which is probably even more difficult. Edit: Sylphiel casting it also seems to clearly say Dragu / Drag, as opposed to Hayashibara Megumi whose "u" can sometimes merge a bit with the "o" sound.
I support "Dragon" because it has the kanji for the word "dragon" in the name. And no, they all say "Doragu". You can't have D and R next to each other when speaking Japanese.
"Will be talking to admins about “disabling comments”. Not just for me, but for others who have to put with toxic comments in general." Sounds to me like you just can't take the criticism.
not nearly enough. waiting for v3.4 "gonna talk to mum cause people are mean on the internet bwaaa!"


this has been a weird and petty back and forth
I mean, FFS, people. You should all know by know that Japanese can't pronounce English words well and almost always fuck up when trying to explain how to pronounce something. The author of Hellsing was convinced that Arucard was the correct way to say Dracula backwards. And they all pronounced it "A-Ka-Do" anyway. I'm just asking for some common sense here.
Oh boi, where's my popcorn...
@DmonHiro: In that case I would support "Dragu" or even in extremis "Drag" as an intentional in-universe corruption of the word "Dragon". Even you say there is no "n", which being the only Japanese consonant would not have been left out by accident. If the writer had wanted "Dragon" to be said, they would have said "doragon". What would change my mind though is if I saw the original novel or script and the furigana read "doragon" or something else which I would go by. I think you're wrong to rely so heavily on the naked kanji. Edit: My own principle when I'm editing translations is to try not to correct mistakes that were present in the original.
So basically... you have no idea how the Japanese language works. THERE ARE KANJI! How are you not getting this? Why would there be a kanji of the word "Dragon" if it didn't have anything to do with dragons? Why would the writer make the creator of the spell kill first kill a dragon with it if it didn't have anything to do with dragons? Why do you think Lina's nickname is "the one who scares dragons" if it has nothing to do with dragons. Think. It's not that hard. This is a waste of time. I'm arguing with someone who is beyond reasoning.
@DmonHiro: It's because there are plenty of times when the kanji is read one way but the author intends for it to be pronounced another. The in-universe reasoning for it being "doragu" instead of "doragon" is because the spell was invented long before the events of the novels, so the people in that world slowly mispronounced "doragon" until it became "doragu".

Chrno (uploader)

Oh joy. Wholesome entertainment! While you're all at it. Plz keep downloading the movie :) Heck. I could release Slayers Perfect Movie version 10 with the windows 10 logo. Just for the hell of it.
Yeah, and that usually happens when the author has no idea about the English language. Doesn't matter. I'll should just upload my own encode of this.
@Chrno: I'm glad you see the humour in it, and recognise that this discussion has been reasonably civil as evidenced by the fact that you no longer refer to "toxic comments" in your release note. It's a good encode with a good translation. Perhaps you might make a v3.2 with a separate DmonHiro sub track to save him the trouble? @DmonHiro: Fair enough. I'm not going to dive into the novels to try to prove my "deliberate in-universe corruption of the term" argument to you, so let's just leave it at that and part amicably, whatever we actually think of the other. You do good work as well, and I'd hate for there to be any more drama and ill-feeling than there already is in this community. I do love gatekeeping though.

Chrno (uploader)

@DmonHiro You're just angry because your favorite chant got rekt.
AND the name. How could they? They should change their name to Evil-live.
@Chrno: Dammit, just when I was trying to wrap up on a civil note.

Chrno (uploader)

@DmonHiro I'm not stopping you for making your own encode. Go for it. @Cliesthe: A 3.2? Are you mad? I'm not giving that ass clown what he wants.

Chrno (uploader)

Great. Here come the memes. I should break out the Rick and Morty memes. It is late though. Maybe another day.
**Not being able to take criticism is a good indicator that the individual in question has a small penis.** ![alt text](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/manager-showing-small-amount-something-portrait-isolated-white-39062111.jpg)
Slayers was serialized in “Dragon” Magazine, this is more than enough to remain “Dragon” Slayer!
_Pepe ~~hands~~ fingers_
just learn the friggn language people...
trusted status on nyaa really means nothing now
> trusted status on nyaa really means nothing now Never has m8.
Found this: https://kanzaka.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Slave Referenced from official material: Kanji: 竜破斬 Katakana: ドラグ・スレイブ Quote from the page: > According to Hajime Kanzaka in the afterword of Slayers Special #28, the official romanization of the spell should be Drag Slave, in accordance with the romaji, however this is rarely used, the form Dragon Slave being the most widespread even among Japanese fans. Interestingly, the creators of the anime use a third form, Drug Slave on one of the promotional posters for Slayers TRY. Can we all just agree on Drug Slave since it's the most Engrishy of the potential options?
We can never agree.
Drug Slave sounds wrong in every way possible
>trusted status on nyaa really means nothing now Dmon is trusted. That didn't tip you off already?
Is this movie actual trueHD remaster or a VHS-transfer blu-ray like the TV series? :/

Chrno (uploader)

@Dalesandro All Slayers movies and OVAs got a true HD remaster.
I see, thank you!
I was actually a trusted user before the fall
Its weird reading the "Drag Slave/Dragon Slave" debate here because every time I watch Slayers I SWEAR I hear Lina pronouncing the "N" in Dragon.
It has always been Dragon Slave when I watched the series on local TV (in local dubs) growing up. Interestingly enough, this is one of those issues where the author shorthanded the name but both Dragon Slave and Ruby Eye Blade uses Shabranigd's power, the Ruby-Eyed Demon sealed by the Dragon God into a human. The kanji naming has the dragon character as well. Nostalgia aside, I prefer "Dragon Slave" since it just makes more sense in the lore and I see this as one of those "Engrish is Kuuru" moments or just being plain erroneous canon naming like the case of "Chrno Crusade".