### **FAQs**
**Q: But there's two of those torrents uploaded already, why are you releasing the same thing again thrice?**
***A: I'm releasing all volumes of this particular anime **ONLY**, regardless of how many other similar torrents that have been there previously***
**Q: Isn't that useless? You're just wasting your time.**
***A: Indeed it is, does every action always needs to be useful at all?***
**Q: Are you releasing any other BDMVs?**
***A: No, only for this series and their subsequent season(s)***
**Q: Why only this series in particular?**
***A: I'm a big fan ~~(incoming literal fan joke)~~***
**Q: Where are the other torrents? I'd rather download it from there instead of this duplicate!!111!**
***A: Sure, here's the links. https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1278027 and https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1279594***
EDIT: On another note, I'm going to combine Vol 3 and 4 shipment into one, in order to reduce shipping costs. So you might not see any releases next month, it'll be at around mid-ish november for both.
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