Title: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) - Season 1
Video - x265 HEVC 10bit
Resolution - 1080p
Encoded by SeaSmoke/ΑΩ, Synced and Muxed by Judas
Source - https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1280887
Sub-Source: BDrip [Beatrice] (41 GiB)
Note - What I did is
* It’s a release of Judas , I just made few changes like removing the unnecessary shit English Dub bcz I hate English shit dub, this saved some space and this is also for who wants to watch in original audio with Eng sub.
* Made the English Subtitle default
* Added the subtitle for Extras (OP's and ED's) by taking the Subtitle from some episodes edited and made synced with the video.
**I didn't Expected that the English Dub was that bad but it was truly shit**
**Don't worry I removed that ENglish dub shit**
I consider myself a HC fan of subbed and can't stand most dubbed, but these encodes are just a waste of electricity and computing power. Have you tried just setting VLC, Simple, Plex or Kodi to just default play Jap w/ Eng sub?
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