Minasan Kon’nichiwa, Welcome to my homage to Digimon.
When I wanted to rewatch the OG Digimon shows, either I couldn’t properly find them cuz they were all scattered around or I didn’t like the encodes available. So I compiled this collection from all the best available sources & made some changes according to my personal preference. Be warned though, the changes I made may not be to your liking.
Thanks to the Source Rippers/Encoders/Subbers. (Mentioned at each individual sections)
Things to know before downloading -
Digimon Adventure
Source: CXRAW | BD 1080p 4:3
Filter: CXRAW is the best available source for 01. But it has minor-medium chroma bleeding, the lines look really thin and the overall image just looks really dull. Add to that the smudgyness of the BDs due to bad upscaling. I removed the bleeding, thickened the lines & applied a couple other filters for preference. Nothing I could really do about the smudgyness though. But at least now it looks a little bit better to me. (Also, in episode 1, the faraway scenes look REALLY washed out. The filters do help those scenes but not much. Same thing in a couple other episodes.)
Comparisons: CXRAW vs 2DS (7 screenshots) (focus around the lines)
Digimon Adventure 02
Source: FYRAW | BD 1080p 4:3
Filter: For 02 there are FYRAW and CXRAW. FYRAW has vibrant colors & CXRAW has ‘bland’ colors. I’ve chosen FYRAW bcuz out of the 4 shows, 02 has the most bland looking colors to begin with (other 3 shows are very colorful). So, I couldn’t go with CXRAW.
Now… FYRAW looks pretty bad, MAJOR chroma bleeding, super blurry image, the lines look really unclear/unfocused & of course the smudgyness from bad upscaling. I applied a plethora of filters to fix all of these (minus the smudgyness)… make it at least watchable to my eyes. The result… I’m quite happy with it.
Comparisons: FYRAW vs 2DS (7 screenshots)
(Here’s CXRAW vs 2DS (7 screenshots) if you wanna see the color difference. If you prefer CXRAW, you can always get them from VeloEncodes’ release.)
Digimon Tamers
Source: CXRAW | BD 1080p 4:3
Filter: These look really good. Nowhere near as bad as 01 or 02. Also, the smudgyness is no more, thank God. The lines look a bit blurry & washed out - Fixed.
Comparisons: CXRAW vs 2DS (5 screenshots)
Digimon Frontier
Source: CXRAW | BD 1080p 4:3
Filter: Same as Tamers. Looks really good. No smudgyness, again thank God. The lines look a bit blurry & aliased - Fixed.
Comparisons: CXRAW vs 2DS (3 screenshots)
Digimon Movies
For the 4 shows, there are a total of 7 movies. Movies 1 & 2 => Adv 01, Movies 3 & 4 => Adv 02, Movies 5 & 6 => Tamers, Movie 7 => Frontier
Movies 1 - 4: Source - Aznable | BD 1080p
Filter: This is the highest quality source I could find for these movies. The 1st movie (Gekijouban) is CEL animated & there’s literally ZERO flaws. The remaining 3 movies are, I think, CEL animated. But they’re not perfect like the 1st one. Slight chroma bleeding & haloing - Fixed.
Movies 5 - 7: Source - Fullmetal | BD 1080p
Filter: Unfortunately I couldn’t find any good sources for these 3 movies. Fullmetal’s release was the only 1080p release I could find. But these are heavily encoded, so using these as source is not a good idea. So… using avs I managed to put some life into these encodes. Halos around the lines - Fixed. Added grains to smooth out the leftover patches of grains from Fullmetal’s initial encoding.
Digimon Adventure Tri.
Source: Koten Gars | BD 1080p
Filter: Best source I could find. There are 6 movies. The 1st one has haloing & oversharped lines - Fixed. As for the remaining 5, just did some slight filtering for preference.
Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story
Source: RyRo | 1080p
Filter: The lines had slight blue chroma bleed - Fixed.
Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna
Source: JP BDMV | BD 1080p
Filter: The lines looked a little bit aliased - Fixed.
Digimon Adventure / 02 / Tamers / Frontier
Digimon Adventure - Source: RyRo + Shadowfox
Digimon Adventure 02 - Source: Positron-Puto
Digimon Tamers - Source: Wildbunch-PLSP-card
Digimon Frontier - Source: Positron-LS
I’m not very good at fansubbing, but I just could not get on board with the state of these subs as they are. So I made some modifications of my own. I went through all the sub files one by one & made the following changes -
Re-Typesetting: I manually reapplied typesetting to all Signs, Titles, NEP-Titles etc. & restyled all the dialogues as well.
For the dialogues, I’ve used the same style with a different color for each. (Left to Right - Adventure to Frontier)
The subs were not made for the BDs, so they don’t always properly sync up with them. Especially the Signs/Titles. They are almost never frame-perfect, almost always 1-5 frames desynced.
Shadowfox did an excellent job at frame-perfectly syncing the Adv-01 subs (so all I did for 01 was just typesetting). Unfortunately there was no one like Shadowfox for the other 3 shows. Or if there is, I don’t know about them. For 02, the dialogues seem to work rather well with the BDs, so not much work there, just frame-perfectly synced up the Signs & Titles. For Tamers, the dialogues were almost always 30-35 frames (approx 1s) desynced & the NEP-dialogues were desynced by twice that time. For Frontier, some episodes were synced up & some not.
Anyways, I synced up everything as much as I could. The Signs & Titles are now frame-perfect & the dialogues should be okay too.
This is a completely new addition by me. How can I, in my right mind, ignore KOUJI WADA’s Legendary Songs. There are 4 Opening songs & 8 Ending songs in total. I’ve applied Karaoke to all of them.
Digimon Movies
Source: Fullmetal’s release
Original Source: The same groups that did the shows a.k.a RyRo/Positron/Puto/Wildbunch/PLSP
Like before, I restyled/retypeset everything.
Digimon Adventure Tri.
Source: Koten Gars
(writing in image for character limit)
Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story
Source: RyRo
Just applied typesetting to all the signs.
Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna
Source: Kizuna Subs
(writing in image for character limit)
Watching Order
DDL: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci81cnhXR0lRSyNpUGtOQ1JEN2lHYmxEM1BVZ0ptU0F3
(copy-paste in base64decode)
Sorry for not doing Savers & Xros Wars. Never liked them much. But since they are more modern anime, I’m sure there are good releases of them available everywhere.
Comments - 44
2DSamurai (uploader)
I don’t have a seedbox or anything. So please be patient as I increase the ratio with my “not so good but not bad either” upload speed.
if you couldn’t ignore taichi you could’ve at least included the xros wars episode where taichi appeared.
wow this is absolutely crazy. appreciate your hard work and attention to detail. just WOW. thank you very much
What about Savers, the 3D Movies, Xros Wars, Appmon and X-Evolution?
Thank you so much for putting this together, thank you so much. THANK YOU. <3
Is this subs only?
Hello. Incredible work. Can you please upload your enhanced RAWs separately? They look insanely good, and I’d love to have them without any hardsub.
This quality is fantastic thank you for the upload.
Everything was great until
come on man.
I hope someday you will release an mkv compilation for this, this looks awesome
^ me too :(
The mp4 hardsubs are the absolute best thing about this, immaculate quality tysm
looking forward to new releases already
Incredible work! Thank you so much.
Thanks for this. The hardsubs are unfortunate but thanks
Amazing job, friend.
Amazing release! Great job on your filtering and processing. Hell of first torrent drop haha. I look forward to the Tamers release :)
And while some have said it; a mkv release would be nice with softsub considering the size. But with that said; your release, your preference, your choice so overall it doesn’t matter if it comes or not.
What matters is that we have another quality digimon torrent out there for people to grab. So thank you.
BrUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUh, WTF, Hardsub, is this 2004 or what, can’t believe we reach 2021 and there is still someone doing hardsub encode!!!
Please, tell me that you still have the subtitles in your computer or external device, please, if you do, send me them for email, it’s monteithagron@gmail.com, I would like to translate to Brazilian portuguese, or if you have any plans to upload softsub/mkv I would love too
It would be nice to turn the subs off and just watch it raw. After all that hard work in video quality, too. Damn shame.
Soft sub + Include Missing Series would make it the perfect complete collection. Currently I have to remain satisfied with this: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/473892. Will use this torrent only for the new seasons.
I’d just like to say awesome work. The hard subs are a bummer but but eh. As for what others have said about missing series… I can tell this took a ton of time and effort to do so I’m just happy you got this out. Maybe someday you will do the rest but I’m not rushing or even requesting it.
2DSamurai (uploader)
Regarding missing series:
The reason I did these ones because I couldn’t find quality video nor quality subs for these. So I thought I’ll just do these on my own. So my question is - Do the missing series not have quality video/subbed releases? I just thought since they’re more modern than the first 4, surely they have good releases available. Also, as I said in the description, I’m not really a fan of those series… so personally I didn’t/don’t have any reason to do those.
Regarding soft-subs:
I’ve been thinking about uploading the soft-subs to the mega link. But there’s also the problem of uploading the filtered videos. So I thought I should just upload the avisynth scripts I used and let the complainers do all the work. I no longer have the filtered videos. I’m a little busy with life rn… but I’ll be uploading both the soft-subs and the avs-scripts… so you guys can do whatever you want with them.
Just don’t complain when the subs don’t properly show up (because of all the layered shit going on in those subs), which is why I hardsubbed in the first place.
I am SO glad I found this! You did an amazing job, this is the best Digimon torrent on Nyaa. Adventure 01 is very blurry in a lot of places but I don’t think there’s much you could have done about that without a better source. The lack of softsubs doesn’t bother me much because I’m going to be watching all of this on a 1080p device, but I do hope you can share the subs in a separate torrent for those who want to translate to other languages, or to apply them to a better source if one should appear someday.
Looking forward to the scripts. I understand that there was a ton of work in it so I’m sure we will accept what we can get.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! The effort is really appreciated! :’( <3
Hardsub is for faggots.
Any info on those soft subs?
Thank you very much
Thanks a lot my childhood is back!
@Shvoreps u shithead piece of shit, wtf u living in ? 2010 ?
@2DSamurai I just want to point out that while I’m pleased that you gave JP terms for Digimon Adventure Tri, you forgot to change the attack names. For example, Tailmon’s “Neko Punch” is still using the localized “Lightening Paw”, and Patamon “Air Shot” still has “Boom Bubble”
@2DSamurai, where to get your avisynth scripts?
2DSamurai (uploader)
I’m working on a proper softsubbed version of this torrent, with updated filters and whatnot. The digimon fanbase is small as is… I don’t wanna add a layer of selfishness to it. It’ll take some time tho as I’m also working on another project, but I will finish it.
Praying for Digimon Data Squad eventually. This is amazing work though.
Keep the hard work! Already waiting for the softsub version!
For those reading this is in English sub. There is no English audio sadly.
thanks for making this, it’s old so I do not expect super high quality level stuff or anything, but still, the effort u put it in tremendously.
Thank you a lot for your work! I’ll be waiting for the soft subs version! Thank you a lot, really!
This looks AMAZING.
Just a suggestion, could you do it with MKV container instead of MP4 please?
It’s much easier to manipulate if we want to.
No intention to add OPs/EDs &/or Digimon Adventure: (2020 reboot)?
Thanks for your hard work and contribution :).
wow wow Thank you so much thats very cool
Thank you for pledging to release the softsubbed encodes, I’m really looking forward to them.
(especially for the first 4 movies, the source torrent is dead)
why mp4, why?
Still waiting for the softsub version
Give a person to this Oscar!!!
any update on the softsub version?
hope to hear from you soon
@KatakuriSenpai Shut the fuck up faggot.