[Orphan-raw] Asatte Dance (LD/VHS) :: Nyaa ISS

[Orphan-raw] Asatte Dance (LD/VHS)

2021-04-18 12:11 UTC
File size:
1.4 GiB
Info hash:
Orphan is offering some of its collection of interesting raws from the past, in this case, 1991's *Asatte Dance*. Episode 1 is a Domesday Duplicator rip of a Japanese laserdisc. Episode 2 is an "All in Wonder" uncompressed rip of a Japanese VHS tape. Orphan's Intrepid Media Maven™ encoded both episodes. *Asatte Dance* seems to be a typical 90s romp with bits of sex, nudity, and violence. What else do you want? Perhaps this raw will inspire someone to do a translation... ![PG rated screencap](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dN8uwwG-PtQ/YHwtliPxLsI/AAAAAAAABJQ/G5XHhHnmWig6e-p-3gZ7Gbs11-Q1WIumQCLcBGAsYHQ/s640/%255BOrphan-raws%255D%2BAsatte%2BDance%2B-%2B01%2B%2528LD%2529%2B%255B1975DE84%255D.mkv_snapshot_41.33.236.jpg) This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net. Edit: I really shouldn't release before I've had my morning coffee. There's a typo in episode 2's file name. Please rename {Orphan-raws] Asatte Dance - 02 (VHS) [B9387398].mkv -> [Orphan-raws] Asatte Dance - 02 (VHS) [B9387398].mkv after downloading; not that it matters much.

File list

  • [Orphan-raw] Asatte Dance
    • [Orphan-raws] Asatte Dance - 01 (LD) [1975DE84].mkv (799.8 MiB)
    • {Orphan-raws] Asatte Dance - 02 (VHS) [B9387398].mkv (661.2 MiB)
Nice. Thank you so much ?
Thanks! Hoping for some subs, eventually.
old treasure! Thanks