[Orphan-raw] Tottoi (VHS) :: Nyaa ISS

[Orphan-raw] Tottoi (VHS)

2021-04-21 20:35 UTC
File size:
1.0 GiB
Info hash:
Orphan's fourth raw release in this series is the 1992 movie *Tottoi*. Ripped from a Japanese video tape with an “All in Wonder” uncompressed capture rig and encoded by Orphan’s Intrepid Media Maven™. See [this blog entry](https://collectr.blogspot.com/2021/04/cleaning-out-attic.html) for more info. I'd really like to see this translated, but no luck so far. ![screencap](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KmunQ_vbZjE/YICLeMcNiaI/AAAAAAAABJ0/qKZNBcEQxz8gfQG_D1PVb618n-hPL3NWACLcBGAsYHQ/s640/%255BOrphan-raw%255D%2BTottoi%2B%2528VHS%2529%2B%255B243DB43C%255D.mkv_snapshot_00.35.52.334.jpg) This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.

File list

  • [Orphan-raw] Tottoi (VHS) [243DB43C].mkv (1.0 GiB)
Wow, thanks for this gold. <3
Tottoi was translated and subbed in Italian in a strange fashion, for it was neither an independent fansub, nor a licenced one: no Italian company ever bought the distribution rights for the anime, but the city of Cala Gonone, where the anime is set (it's an adaptation of an old sardinian novel) "officially" translated and subbed the movie, and then it was shown in the local theatre to the population, for artistic and cultural merits regarding the local folklore and scenario. This italian sub does exist on the Net, if someone is interested.
@Keter Yes, I'm surely one of the someones. Please, post a link to that sub! Thank you! (I did a quick search, but nothing came up.) Though this I found https://www.calagonone.eu/last-news/curiosita/668-tottoi-lungometraggio-cartone-animato-cala-gonone ...and there it says: "...translated into Spanish and English, the feature film was broadcast all over the world and, in the second half of the 90s, an educational video game for Playstation was produced. Unfortunately the translation was never done in Italian but, in 2013, a class of the Dorgali middle school, coordinated by Francesco Ticca, dubbed the cartoon in the Dorgali language in the theater. On Youtube it is possible to watch the streaming of the film "The Secret of the Seal" in English..." (My translation of the Italian text.)
And thanks to Orphan for this gem!
Has anyone found any subs yet?