@Permidion: Greatly appreciate this, thank you!!!
Any chance you can share 勇者大冒险 Yong Zhe Da Mao Xian (first two seasons and special episodes) with us too?
Will be incredibly grateful if you can.
@Permidion: ok but the old torrent of hey yo yorang is dead.
Can you also add phantomimini anime. It’s a ONA series. Here is the info https://myanimelist.net/anime/40316/Phantomi__Mini_Anime.
Fushgiboshi no futagohime gyu: ok
Comments - 4
@Permidion: Greatly appreciate this, thank you!!!
Any chance you can share 勇者大冒险 Yong Zhe Da Mao Xian (first two seasons and special episodes) with us too?
Will be incredibly grateful if you can.
@Permidion: ok but the old torrent of hey yo yorang is dead.
Can you also add phantomimini anime. It’s a ONA series. Here is the info https://myanimelist.net/anime/40316/Phantomi__Mini_Anime.
Fushgiboshi no futagohime gyu: ok
@Permidion: can you add hello kitty anime too. Thanks
@Permidion can you seed this https://nyaa.iss.one/view/959037