Encode: [Reza]
Everything else: Crunchyroll/Aniplex (via SubsPlease)
Scene: Me and a senior GJM staff member are in Discord DMs near the start of the new year.
motbob: You guys should really check the official TL for Bisque Doll before committing to OTL
GJM: It’s Aniplex, what’s the point?
motbob: Aniplex has been good recently, there was the Kaguya PV, and the SAO movie was good too
GJM: [changes the subject]
SURPRISE, the official subs for this show came out and they’re fucking amazing. I watched the GJM version of a scene that I thought the officialsubs did really well and actually started yelling at the screen out of frustration, which I guess is kind of embarrassing to admit.
As for the encode, it’s an interesting choice between GJM and Reza. GJM fixes more problems but also causes more problems. What breaks the tie? Maybe the fact that GJM’s encode is 1080p HEVC 4:4:4 and won’t even play on a non-trivial number of users’ computers. It uses 10x the CPU to decode or something like that.
Marked as untrusted for politeness reasons, not quality reasons.
Comments - 62
based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based
1080p 4:4:4 encodes are a giant meme
also aniplex’s vanitas subs are extremely good too. insanely well edited for the most part… but there are the typical TL errors that exist across most of their subs. it’s kinda a shame that (probably) some editor is putting in tons of work yet the translator isn’t really trying or isn’t that good.
4:4:4 on mini encodes are ultra giant meme pro max
-Year 2030 and so on-
GJM, Coalgirls, Commie and any fansubber would be collapsed and banned due to Japanese Dub and English Sub (some words) don’t match, and some country including Japan developed new translator (become better than trash google translator) because they upgrade new future technology :D
Fansubber no longer create subtitles but instead, they can use new translator :D
Note: What’s the new translator? It can scan any language speak that can turn into english language or any language which is better than trash google translator Laughing
GJM is useless anyway.
@Kamiyan93 lmao. 😂😂
Damn, the man threatening to get fansubbers arrested is trying to take a high ground by blowing things out of proportion once again. Shocker.
Just admit that you have a beef at this point, my man, this is tiring.
I really doubt that fansubbing by itself is enough to get someone arrested so if you are legitimately worried about something like that is seems like there is much more sussy stuff going on
Many things about the workflows of the established groups touch into grey areas, so yes, it is a concern at our sorts of scales.
well im glad that me and the muxers / subbers I know dont do anything other than download and upload video and subs which in 99% of places isnt something that will ever get you arrested

You forgot the part where you starve the video
fansubbers won’t get arrested but only website fansubber can be deleted. 😁😁
me likely spicy fansub drama
Giga chad lmao
" I watched the GJM version of a scene that I thought the official subs did really well and actually started yelling at the screen " . I wonder if that is the same scene where the official subs used proper dressmaking/seamstress terminology. GJM’s version of that scene really irked me because I knew the accuracy of what was being discussed. I admit though, that I do not know which might be the more accurate to the Japanese words being spoken.
Wait, 4:4:4 in a 1080p -> 1080p transcode? Was it because of a certain filter like last time?
इस टट्टी ने मुझे सम्भोग का प्यासा बना दिया।
this is a cartel secret but
did you know motbob has a tiny schlong
trust me I’m trusted
any notable differences between gjm and aniplex subs? I didn’t bother watching the official because it’s aniplex is it reallu that good.
so which one is better, gjm or this?
Neither, just watch it raw and then there’s no issues.
If you care about Typesetting even a little bit don’t get these since it doesn’t use the GJM signs but Aniplex TS instead which is obviously laughably bad.

GJM (props to whoever did this sign its so well done):

Another example.


official typesets looks like they’re kind of trying, even if it’s just colors they’re trying to match. guess that’s better than plain sign
should’ve used gjm typesets tho ^
motbob (uploader)
I do have a beef—I’ve had one years now. I have a serious problem with not making basic checks/decisions to ensure that viewers get the highest-quality product possible. We’ve talked about this in the past.
Also, I’m ok with you making vague allusions to me threatening to arrest fansubbers or whatever, but just know that that sort of thing is going to get out of hand quickly. It’s obviously in my and your best interest to keep our freaking mouths shut about that issue, but if you want to have a frank, public conversation about what happened, I’m down. If not, have some discipline and keep mum.
he’s gonna tell on you you better be careful
@motbob Fun is also an element in subbing for GJM staff. If certain staff want to do shows and the end result is comparable, we’re not going to tell them they can’t work on something just because. That’s a great way to have no staff left because they all quit out of boredom when the rare show they feel like working on is suddenly not an option. You may not like that choice, but frankly, it’s not your decision to make. Do what you will but have some fucking decorum about it, this kind of shit is unbecoming.
If the prosubs are good for something, that’s great. People are welcome to watch them. If someone wants to put our extras on prosubs, they can do that too. It happens plenty as is since our TS is often second-to-none. Don’t always agree with their choices, but it’s a free landscape; not gonna try to stop them from doing it.
I kept things vague on purpose since it benefits none of the parties involved for more information to come out in the open, but frankly, it had to be said that you’re not blameless in all this.
“highest-quality product possible” releases under Okay-Subs with no timing, no TLC, no TS… U could just make your own full-fledged release instead of going for complete attention-seeking and some high school drama. I guess ill wait for the MTBB BD release with aniplex subs and GJM TS and shit.
motbob (uploader)
Fyurie, I appreciate your comment re: staff motivation. I guess from my perspective, nothing saps my motivation faster than the idea that I’m giving my viewers a worse experience than what they could be getting somewhere else. So for me, the best way I can preserve my own motivation is to pick projects where all of my work is providing value over the best-available alternative in all aspects. And if I were working under a project manager, I would hope that they would make the same decisions.
But again, that’s just my perspective. I understand that other people might not get motivation from the same place I do.
EDIT: You know, there’s no way I’d be yelling at the screen in frustration if some unknown subber did a bad job on this show. The only reason I cared here is that I expect GJM to be the best in all aspects of their release, every time.
Just going to wait for the dub, something no amount of skill can fix.
@motbob Different people have different reasons for doing this. About half a decade ago I subscribed to your ideals and did everything to be the best of the best, but these days it’s just about fun.
An important distinction to be made that’s being left out here is that yes, our release for a show might not always be the end-all perfect product that blows everything out of the water, but that’s hugely different from it not being comparable, or even outright bad. There is a value-added experience in every one of our releases in improved encodes upon simulcasts, OP/ED lyrics (that are quite often stress-matched to the JP thanks to a couple of very talented lyrical editors at GJM), as well as our practically world-class typesetting on various shows.
If your motivation stems from delivering the best possible product no matter what the cost, that’s fair enough, but there’s a huge difference in dynamic between your basically-solo/small team projects and running a group of nearly 50 active subbers across over a dozen ongoing projects.
We do the best we can, we are not perfect. None of us are.
lol telling people to check the official subs when doing an original translation is not saying they can’t work on it. what is this nonsense take. are the people in question so arrogant that they don’t think the official subs can be of any use? or too lazy to put in that work? or are they not even aware the official subs hold any value since they just assumed aniplex is bad? regardless, i don’t think motbob’s implication was they should stop working on the show. if anything it’s that if they should strive to do even better.
@herkz Our staff are always trying to do better. In fact, a lot of the staff on this show are newcomers to the group and it’s as much a learning experience as anything else for them. The point I’m trying to make is that we shouldn’t be thinking about binning a translator on a project because the simulcast subs are good out-of-the-box, thereby depriving them of a show they wanted to work on. Maybe that’s a misinterpretation of what motbob was suggesting, and if so, I concede that point and retract my statements regarding it.
I mean, sure, they can review the simulcast subs after the fact if they wish, assuming they’re accurate and not just pretty-but-wrong like a lot of Aniplex shows can be. It’s true that we didn’t confirm whether the Aniplex subs for Bisque were good or not, but that was because we weren’t planning to use them as a base, and no other reason besides.
well them being new is even more reason for the experienced people involved to think about this stuff since they might not know (or probably just heard that aniplex’s subs are usually poop). and even if they weren’t that good, i don’t think they’d be so bad that they still wouldn’t hold any value, either as a bit of TLC or to steal a good line from here or there you couldn’t think of something good for.
motbob (uploader)
When I was working on Eizouken, I regularly relied on CR’s script as an editing reference. I had discussions with Myaa about switching to CR base, but he told me that he didn’t think it’d save him any work, so I didn’t press the issue since I was happy to work off his TL. Even though we didn’t use the good CR subs as base, they still played a role in making the release better (basically by shoring up my inadequacies as an editor).
@herkz @motbob They are referred to though, I’ve seen comments in the project channels suggesting as much. There are a lot of assumptions being made at the moment, it feels.
motbob (uploader)
Well, true enough. The only way I can guess what’s going on is by looking at the final product.
what the fuck
same, torn, same
hi torn
sirs please i am dying to know
get a room
OHHHHHH FanSub dramaaaa. It’s been so long, I kinda missed it.
tbh I’m not actually using either of your subs as this is a shit show and a waste of time to watch…
Brilliant input ^
Thanks for this release
come on yall we can get the comments number to beat the downloads number
IDK but their Raildex subs has been consistently shit. Vale even managed to misTL some simple lines somehow. And Railgun T ep 6 was actually so bad they had to v2.
Just watch CR, it’s miles better. Especially for Index and Railgun. You can watch their Accelerator as this was actually CR edit.
CR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GJM
Tbh, just edit official subs. Your translators are too bad.
@Kamiyan93 lmaooo you’re too seriously… 😂😂😂😂
Based bob putting GJM in their place. Still not watching this seasonal trash, just read the manga lol
Can always count on Kamiyan to talk out of his asshole. A true constant of the universe.
Just admit CR is better. Everyone already knows.
motbob (uploader)
CR doesn’t publicly admit when they make a TL error, or any error for that matter…
Yeah, uh, that was not the own you thought it was. At least we v2’d for a major TL error instead of leaving it there for almost 6 years a la CR’s Charlotte Aniplex subs. :’)
(Yes, that error was still there last time I checked, it is terrifying that they don’t ever push fixes.)
There’s always some argument going on on which script is better for a show but no mentions about the lack of sfx in almost every new release.
who cares about sfx though? We are not teenagers anyone (at least I hope so…)
just learn japanese you stupid weebs