Full Monogatari series batch: Click here
TL (dialogue/songs): Unbased
Everything else: motbob
There are alternate honorifics tracks in this release. Set your media player to play “enm” language tracks by default to automatically play honorifics tracks.
Please leave feedback in the comments, good or bad.
Please read this short playback guide if you want to know how to make the video and subtitles of this release look better.
All components of this release are released into the public domain to the greatest extent possible.
Comments - 127
lol? has this even been debanded? doesn’t seem like it
I dont get why you would take the time to download BDMVs of this show, put in the effort of writing the filterchain, configuring x264 settings, running the encode, etc instead of just using the one by Kawaiika which is better than this
motbob (uploader)
The point of putting the comparisons in the description is so that everyone can make their own judgment about whether these encodes are good enough for their purposes.
imo zoku owarimonogatari is worth more than 4.6GB
everyone knows encoding isn’t an important part of the fansubbing process anyway
So the goal is to just be a mini encode then?
motbob (uploader)
The goal is to make encodes and be open about their quality, and let people make their own decision about whether they should download this release or this release.
I don’t understand why you’re pressing this issue. Let people use their eyes and make their own decision. Or is that not good enough for you for some reason?
These encodes are crf 15.9, for goodness sake. That’s not enough for transparency because of my other settings, but the term “mini encode” has been twisted beyond recognition if it’s used to describe these encodes.
To not be wasteful*
Yeah how about no… This is how shit like 60fps, 4k upscales, warpsharp, etc became popular.
Also you said yourself that you want to “ensure that viewers get the highest-quality product possible.” which you are not doing here, why is that?
@Simplistic dumb and pointless comment, dont even bother typing if you cant contribute
motbob (uploader)
If people want 60fps, 4k upscales, and warpsharp, they should download releases with those things in them. I have no problem with that, and so I have no problem with those releases existing. I don’t like 60fps, 4k upscales, or warpsharp (for many reasons), so I don’t make releases with them, but everyone is entitled to download and watch stuff they like.
You can keep arguing with me about this, but I am not going to do what you want me to do. There are plenty of people who agree with you, so go complain about it with them. You’ll feel better that way.
Time for another 50 comment thread woooooo!
tbf you’ve had person experience with what happens when standards are lowered/the differences aren’t understood. But this is nowhere near that, sooooo
Weird how you dodged my question…
Claiming to ensure the highest quality product possible but then purposefully using a worse encode…
Why don’t you make a comp that proves your point? At least you’d have something to point at.yeah nvmAlso, you’ve really been taking a lot of heat lately, haven’t ya bob?
@Simplistic what? MTBB provided his own comparison in the description of this very torrent that shows it looking worse than even the source BDMV.
i dunno, the third comparison doesn’t look much worse
Don’t think you have the right to judge encodes considering the garbage you put out, herkz.
motbob (uploader)
Yep, that’s how it works. If people don’t think my release is the best—if they think I’ve made the wrong decision about the filesize/fidelity tradeoff—they can download a different release. I’m a big believer in letting people take my subs and do whatever they want with them, and it makes me really happy when people do that. That’s why I’ve had that bolded line about “you can use my subs” in my descriptions since 2017.
@herkz I laughed
@herkz 7/10 is where I’d say it’s noticeable even to my eyes. It doesn’t bother me, but I can see a difference.
@Aergia aye man, don’t go throwing out ad hominems
Dude, you have 30 red torrents. You must have balls to criticize my post after you yourself have posted more than 1 red torrent on nyaa. We have enough red torrents on nyaa and we definitely don’t need more. Or are you blind?
And as if posting red torrents wasn’t enough, you had to reencode poop from mozi and horrible encodes. Your entire post history is litter, poop encodes, sharpened encodes, resharpened reencodes, reencoded mini reencodes. Who asked for that? Certainly not the people thay say "MTBB has a better release than [UCCUSS]. Is that trash you post even watchable? Have you ever taken a look at yourself on the mirror and thought what in earth are you doing? Most of the encodes you use as source have lost a lot of details due to excessive compression and aggressive filtering. And then you go and reencode them, for no good reason at all. The results? https://i.imgur.com/obTEur1.jpg Despite overwhelming filtering on the source, and you having many chances to fix whatever artifacting, the banding wasn’t treated at all. The fact that it’s still there means that either a) you don’t care or b) you don’t know what you are doing. But it’s probably both.
Did you really have to make such a huge pile of garbage, and then come to trashtalk my post because I fulfilled this request to a random user that wanted to watch this extended version so badly? I don’t feel like arguing with a person that uses imgur for comparisons.
Don’t think you have to the right to judge encodes consider the nothing you put out, Aergia.
Ah yes, the remark from that one guy who went on to criticize the one encode that wasn’t even mine and neglected the fact that the banding might have already been present in the source material. That was a fun one.
motbob (uploader)
Holy shit, people are coming into my torrent thread to air their own outside grievances against each other. I really am some sort of nyaa-comment-generating savant.
Yeah, idk how tbh, maybe one day you can generate enough comments for us to break the AOT barrier.
some people actually get upset at the comments on this website even though i can’t think of any site where they matter less. it’s wild.
Nothing is better than unwatchable garbage :P
Yikes, don’t try to watch any old anime encodes. There’s a 99.9% mortality rate in store for you.
Funny how that works.
motbob (uploader)
Anyway, the moral of the story here is, if you don’t like the existing state of things, making a competing release is infinitely more useful than making a comment (or 10 comments).
Hello Mot Bob. (MTBB) (MKBHD). Do you know the word: Mald? If not, its literally in the mediainfo. Look at the properties of a png with your face on it, “mald” will be written right there. Right next to the picture of you. Personally, I also don’t know what this means, or why you are doing it, so I don’t see the point of your comment. If you made good encodes, and know good, you wouldn’t need to skid settings from other people who don’t know good.
It could have been worse. Imagine how the comment sections will look like if site registration is enabled. ⋆* ⁑⋆* (๑•﹏•)⋆* ⁑⋆*
on another note, thanks for your attempt to encode this but you should probably put that effort in something else, like the orbital children
can we please cunny
Aergia unsleeps. Opens his eyes to the world, the bright light shining through his window. What the fuck is that? The sun. He looks toward his door. Aliased, pixellated. Banding on the shadows of his walls. His texture pack doesnt support 1024x1024 textures.
A flap opens at the bottom of his door. A food tray slides in. Three (3) garlic replentishment crackers. Four (4) celery sticks. Two (2) hardened bread soups. Sixteen (16) potato-based soy crisps.
He times his unsleepening to align with his morning meal (4:15 PM) delivered by his Groomer, Ulrich Surchad. He weeps looking at the banded, jpegged wall texture in his room. Ulrich must have down-graded his graphics card. Only supports 2 GB of VRAM. 195 CUDA cores. Unable to sustain FSRCNNX Deband Script v30.0.0.15912
At the ceiling, a chain dangles. Grabbing ahold of it pulls down a ladder to the attic. A box labelled “mpv” sits there, with four buttons:
(1) Deband
(2) Subtitle Track (0/15)
(3) Audio Track (6/7)
(4) Hypixel Bedwars
He glances through all of them, his eyes peer closely, 3 centimeters away. The small crack on the audio track button glistens a bit brighter from the broken plastic, and the light from an open vent allowing the dangerous moldy odors to transfer in and out of his purgatory.
Ah, he presses one. Hypixel bedwars, was it? Nope. He couldn’t stand the banding any further. An android-like voice announces the motive: "DEBANDING…"
The food on his tray begins to consume itself, as they contained bands. The walls crumble down. His Higurashi Rika figure returned to dust. The trashcan in the corner of his dark gloomy asylum poofed into smoke!
An error occurred in VapourSynth, it’s deleting everything he owns! All materials with bands are being destroyed, rather than the banding itself! Ulrich won’t be happy. Ulrich will not be … happy!!!
Aergia the Zleeping Zloth crawled under an old table in the attic to avoid light (banding will erase him too…) and prays. Will Rika Higurashi solve it?
Can we ban any discussion of light phil please, my brain is turning redditor “well actually” mode reading this shit
Someone think of the people with severe autism like me
Start by barring any usage of logical fallacies that aren’t ad hominem, because you clearly don’t understand any others
Not the employment of said logical fallacies since they are unavoidable, but being autism and pointing them out by linking that site
Thank you sirs
get this man an anime adaptation
usenet mirror: https://nzbking.com/details:61b95d1b2df758706c0c9004/
You do realize anime is a scam created by Japan to spread pedophilia worldwide right
Also, even though Aergia always trashtalks like an autistic 4chan kid, he’s right in this case. I see no reason to put out worse encodes when kawaiika is not even that big or bloated.
>still not including 5.1 audio
motbob please
5.1 is a meme tbfherkz
i’m sure there are some rich people who can actually utilize 5.1. and it barely bloats the encode unless you’re one of those people who don’t yet realize flac is a placebo.
Some people like me do have a real 5.1 setup and there is a movie version of that one out. There is a pretty good chance it’s actually not fake 5.1 sound.
Decent 5.1 AAC isn’t that big anyway, even including it as a seperate .mka file would be good enough. It’s always annoying when a group is just throwing that 5.1 audio away (looking at other MTBB releases) :/
weird way to spell flacebo also if it wasn’t obvious i was joking
Mob release always has juicy comments.
Can’t please them all so might as well please yourself.
56 comments moment.
wild how splitting the sneed has become a meme forced in like every comment section other than this one where there’s actually a point to be made abt it
Good Evening All Encoders! Translators, Fansubbers, Fandubbers, and all the like!
My name is methbob! The great encoder, the fantasmic IRC-user
WORLD FAMOUS translator [[and the ONE and only “methbob…!”]]
AS WE ALL KNOW, Its Sneedmas. Tradmas. It’s soon to be Dec 25th!
So I’ve decided to give the gift of some of my encode scripts.
These are written in VapourSynth (.vpy) files, and provides excellence
in the form of
methbob, what’s more?
== HerkMas! == Hertz, the well known Isekai anime animator,
full badges and even the Golden Anime 6-pin
gigachad is giving away FREE sharpening scripts! His gracious german background
can provide unmatched AutoSneed to your various encodes.
–qcomp 0.6 ffmpeg 30 fps HandBrake.exe
DivX VHS Authentic Film Grain Service (Mail-in Rebate Available)
Windows 98 + XP YUV2 Color Support (16+bit)
(“x264 NV”)+HEVC B-Frame Interpolation (5 FPS minimum)
16 GB of Random Gaussian Noise to layer onto your nyaa.iss.one Releases!
This will ALL be available starting today!
On a flash drive in the storm drain of some road near me, methbob.
A great and festive day it is, friends.
just seed all your uploads indefinitely. problem solved.
truly bob is something else to have this dedicated fanbase to his releases.
100 comments when
we need to bring the chatbox back
commenting just to comment
This torrent breaks the rules:
Remakes which are utterly bit rate-starved are not allowed.
motbob (uploader)
Report it, then.
>Utterly bit rate-starved
cmon now, get real.
@Simplistic ofc the guy who uploads mini encodes thinks a mini encode isnt bit starved
wtf zewia moment lmao
Debating about quality in pirates sites, have a nice day lads. Just buy the official goods if y’all want highest possible quality of the show. 🤡
??? official releases tend to be worse quality than proper encodes
fansubbing introduces artifacts into the video. Only the industry knows what they’re doing and even then I doubt it. I once did an encode and got into a lot of trouble because they were considered bad encodes. I trust what Koby from kametsu has to say on encoding.
One final note: NEVER EVER encode video!!!
Then buy your own BluRay/BDMV goods, encode just like you want it to be then watch it. No need to criticize or commenting about other people work, but it’s up to you bruh. 👍
Yeah how about no, if a release is bad then im going to criticize it all I want.
lol who cares
Yup tard. Have a nice day.
You can say what you want, it won’t make me not objectively correct.
hell yeah twice the comments than the downloads
good job 👍
thanks for the share
The amount of scrolling on this comment section
fun comment section
Anyone selling popcorn?
i’m just waiting for the eurovision
Fuck, I slept through the good part, how should I ever recover
Another day in MTBB’s comment box.
Postan in ebin thread.
Put me in the sceencap.
He cannot afford a new hard drive. Why else? No really, why else? I see zero credibility in using a video you know yourself is worse unless you do not have the space.
This isn’t funny anymore since almost all groups apart from Commie do put a lot of effort into their encodes. Can’t blame herkz though gotta be respectful of the colorblind.
You know downloading can be a hurdle for some people too, besides herkz isn’t exactly wrong. Don’t forget that the average nyaa user is going to download the smallest thing they can. You might as well have a good “mini encode” for the people who don’t give a shit compared to downloading a miniscule 150MiB per episode re-encode (they’ll still do it anyway).
I wouldn’t put a lot of trust in your eyes considering you think your Handbrake re-encodes look fine. What are you even watching anime on? 768p 8-bit screen?
Since when did fansub releases started catering to mini watchers as their desired/target audience? Mini watchers don’t give two shits about typesetting, timing or anything subtitle related anyway. They are fine watching PGS for all they care. 99% do not even know or see the difference in good or bad subs/video.
ummm, since like ever ? Also it was worse back when fansubs didn’t just compromise on size, but on codecs as well.
Instead of adding nothing of value to this thread I will just write my opinion on global warming :
It doesn’t exist.
Also I made 2 comments to boost up your torrent on the most commented on torrents list
motbob (uploader)
To be clear, I’m not catering to anyone when deciding on encoding settings. I’m choosing them based on what I myself would want to see in a release.
I see a lot of artifacts and imperfections in my encodes when I compare screenshots. But I have never, ever been bothered by a defect in one of my encodes when watching in real time, other than heavy banding. Even my shitty qcomp 0.6 720p encodes, though the reason for that is that I watch anime at encode res rather than fullscreening. So I choose encode settings based on that reality. When I say other encodes are “better,” I’m not necessarily saying that they are better in a way that I can see when watching.
Contrast this to problems with a release’s script and typesetting. I get bothered about those things when watching anime all the time (though much more so the former). I made a statement in the past about wanting to release the “highest quality product” before, which I suppose is going to be thrown back into my face until the end of time, but from my perspective the encode quality doesn’t add anything to the overall quality of a product after a certain point—specifically, the point after which I can’t see the difference. An invisible increase in quality is no increase at all.
It’s fair to call me blind for not being able to see the artifacting in real time, but I think anyone who’s been around the anime community enough knows that 99% of the anime community is similarly blind. I am not going to cater to the 1% who can see that sort of stuff in real time when I myself cannot see it. I am going to cater to myself, as one of the 99%. And if you think I should cater to you and want to come yell in my torrent threads about it, you are wasting your time. Go away, go back to Discord, hang out with your fellow 1% friends and complain, go make a release using video that’s twice as big as mine. Those are the solutions open to you.
Yey 100th comment belong to me! Apparently this has the highest comment out of all ur releases kekw!
Edit: Bake when?
if he doesn’t make releases reddit will forget he exists so he has to make these intermittently since bake is taking so long
certified bobmot moment
Not reading 100+ comments of vomit but mushoku vol. 4 when
da fuq
also shit comments galore
Nobody except encoders gives a shit about encoding unless it’s early 2010s Funimation level quality where even the untrained eye can notice dropped frames and unwatchable dark scenes.
I agree with Motbob here. Even though for my favorite series I like to download them with the best encode, chances are I won’t notice the difference in real-time anyway. Although I seriously doubt your encodes won’t be visibly worse during action scenes given the lack of bitrate. I guess this is mostly a non-problem for monogatari.
Also, sub quality is paramount. Typesetting is probably in the middle.
Motbob comment section not being a shithole challenge: impossible
typesetting is utterly unimportant it’s a waste of time
worse it even provides an actual barrier to watching for quite a lot of people
this simplistic guy might be one of the dumbest fuckers to breathe oxygen
Hi mom, I’m on reddit!
most of the people complaining can’t even be bothered to do a remux with some existing encode, let alone put in any effort of their own
A colorcalibrated 1080p screen (not that I really trust my shitty color calibrator)
I’m still hoping that they’ll adapt Off Season or Monster Season one day (this has nothing to do with the release, I know)
It won’t happen and frankly, it’s better this way. Shaft basically imploded, they are disorganized and a lot of people just left for other avenues (like david production).
motbob (uploader)
Shaft imploded a long time ago, but they still made Zoku. Whether they can do more seasons or not, I’d rather see the IP owners give the project to a different studio.
Funnily enough, Zoku Owari was way better than Owari s2. I’d rather they stop with the adaptation. It’s already completed, off and monster seasons are just bonus filler material (and I seriously doubt they are good to begin with).
4 days, this shit lasted 4 days…
You people are insane. I see no fucking difference in any of those comparison pics. What a bunch of whinging useless babies.
mommy im the first comment lets take a picture
I actually have read all those comments up there. I’m so ashamed of myself think i need therapy.
Commenting to make the number of comments equal the number of downloads
since when was monogatari even about the incomprehensible story !? Most of monogatari stuff were just there because they were, and not because it was needed, so you either liked monogatari for its random bs or just because you wanted to engage more with those charismatic characters.
The very fact that you liked a sort of “bonus filler” season more than an actual continuation and finalization of the story must say something, right ?
I think you need to rewatch monogatari… it’s all there for a reason. It’s not random.
Since when was monogatari, which literally means “tale” or “narrative” about the story? From the very beginning lmfao.
have the subs changed at all for this one from the initial “v2”? from a few years back?
@motbob ignoring the dumpster fire for a bit, I just wanted to say thank you for ditching H.264 4:4:4. And it looks like it was a while ago too. The upload is gone, but I left one of the only remotely negative comments I ever posted on a release, asking why you’d use it vs. HEVC Main10, to “preserve” the extra chroma gained after inverse scaling to native res. Took your subs back then and tried to do my own encode - CRF16 Main10, no filtering, original 5.1 audio track…and got shit on for bloat. Never could get the hang of scene-filtering, ditching AviSynth for VapourSynth to try inverse resizes, or really doing anything beyond a blanket deband, so I gave up, other than a few encodes that I never shared. Now I can just grab the entire thing in CRF15.9 from you…and mux the surround audio back in and call it a day. Funny how things go.
Now that I know it’ll play on my toaster (J/K, but it will play on just about everything in hardware) I can actually start replacing some of my other Monogatari downloads. All of the BDMVs are eating hard drive space, surround audio + your subs + your video now too.