So. This came out like 4 months ago.
Yet the only lossless version I could find on the web was behind a paywall on a chinese forum.
So I said fuck it, bought it, and ripped it myself. First time I tried my hand at it so be lenient if I missed anything.
CUE and full WAV extracts are in the folder for each CD if anyone want to try and do something cleaner.
If anyone has a tutorial on how to do it, I can also try to just burn the CDs into an ISO and let others play their magic.
Enjoy, I guess?
Comments - 4
Rip is fine based on your log,
When splitting tracks it may be best to number as 1.09 etc etc instead of 1.9.
Uhhh and if you want to do something extra special you can try scanning.
Been waiting for this before it came out and searching for it since.
Thanks a lot for doing this
thank you, LB6 has epic music
thank you!