(From Wikipedia)
“The Animatrix (アニマトリックス) is a 2003 adult animated science fiction anthology film produced by the Wachowskis. The film details through nine animated short films the backstory of The Matrix film series, including the original war between humanity and machines which led to the creation of the titular Matrix, in addition to providing side stories that expand the universe and tie into the film series.”
This is a remux of the 2008 worldwide Blu-Ray. Given the disc’s age, the video was encoded in VC1 while the audio tracks use AC-3 Dolby Digital, with bonus Dolby TrueHD tracks for the English and Japanese languages. To preserve the maximum possible quality, the original unaltered VC1 video and the two TrueHD tracks are included. Absolutely no encoding was performed for this release. Additionally, the shorts “The Second Renaissance” parts I & II, “Program”, and “World Record” include AC-3 audio commentaries in Japanese. These audio tracks are included as well, along with Blu-Ray formatted English subtitles for them.
In terms of subtitles for the main content, [Afro]'s have been used. One thing of note is that two of the shorts, “Final Flight of the Osiris” and “Matriculated” were originally produced in English. As such the English audio tracks for these shorts are marked as default while [Afro]'s subs are not. It is worth mentioning that [Afro]'s subs for these shorts seem to be a copy of the original English script, as heard in the English audio. For the rest of the shorts, originally produced in Japanese, the Japanese audio track and [Afro]'s subs have been marked as default. These subs are a direct translation and the English dub audio uses a different script.
As a bonus, all of the behind-the-scenes featurettes have been included. These use VC1 video and AC-3 audio. Forced English subtitles from the Blu-Ray are included for whenever anyone speaks in Japanese. Both the intro logos and the full end credits sequence that play when you choose to watch every short in order on the Blu-Ray have been included as well.
Media Summary:
Video Codec: VC1
Audio Codec: Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Digital (AC-3)
Subtitles: [Afro] (Shorts), Blu-Ray (Commentaries, Behind-the-Scenes)
See you next time.
Comments - 6
I respect the tag, nice job man. Don’t forget to actually seed it though lol
Thanks for this!
Really appreciate the work on this. Danke
Thank you so much