Timed for Setsu-Raws (https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1561682)
I’m temporarily back with subs for ep 17 of Summer Time Rendering. This release uses official manga translation with few lines being altered to make them shorter. In addition, one line (16:41) had to be MTL’d because it was completely different from manga (in manga, Shinpei asks Ushio in the city if she senses Shadows and she says she doesn’t, while in anime he asks in the forest and Ushio says she senses them)
Lato font is used for dialogue subs, OP subs/styling is taken from SlyFox releases, no ED subs because SlyFox was missing that too. Fonts are attached.
Comments - 34
we live in a society
we live in a society
truello (uploader)
we live in a society
we live in a society
nosotros vivimos en una sociedad
Could’ve taken the ED from Commie
nous vivons dans une société
viviamo in una società
živimo u društvu
truello (uploader)
good idea, tbh i completely forgot to check commie’s release
Vi lever i et samfund
oh i love machine translations
nós vivemos em uma sociedade
let fansubs rot in their 2007 grave
What is the point of this? Genuinely curious.
to keep lowering the bar for “good enough” subs as much as possible
truello (uploader)
I mostly did it for myself as I refuse to watch @Luxury’s release due to him being an absolute prick, and then I made a torrent out of it in case there are other people who also refuse to watch his version.
I admit that this is an amateur work, but I simply don’t care about “bar for good enough subs” as you called it. If anyone decides to try these subs out and they like it, that’s good. If they don’t like it, that’s also fine by me, even better if they provide a constructive feedback, so that I can do better next time. It’s also fine if someone decides to skip this and wait for SlyFox. Anyone is free to pick whatever subs they want.
Having a firm grasp on the Japanese language isn’t a important part of the Fansubbing process anyway.
Ahah, trying to shit on the “common ennemy”, so that people wouldn’t shit on you, great one.
At the very least, I’m not as much as a prick as SlowFox is : I don’t seek a monopole over this anime’s release, and disappear as soon as another person starts releasing it, without even giving notice to the people following my releases.
I mostly do it so that people would enjoy a fast and pretty accurate version without having to wait for ~ 3 days for a certain someone to finally decide he’s ready to give it up. I don’t have a need of people licking my ass at every release, unlike some…
As for your release, I invite you to transform this “temporarily” thing into a “regular” thing, and keep subbing it.
I’ve never been against SlowFox’s releases, only against his seek of a monopole : if you wanna do it weekly, it’s good as it offers choice to people.
The anime monopoly. Holy Cope.
truello (uploader)
I don’t exactly care about being shit on, I prepared for that the moment I admitted to using MTL for one line. I’m simply saying that I don’t like your attitude towards people. The fact that you’re getting a lot of toxicity in your torrents is separate matter which I don’t approve of.
That part about monopoly sounds like a paranoia to me. SlyFox is the only one doing it because his work is good and others seem it unnecessary to make other version which will be 99% chance worse than his.
If he wants to give up, he’s free to do so. If he wants people licking his ass, he’s free to try achieving that. And just like he’s free to do all of those things with his release, you’re also free to release your own. The freedom to do what you want is part of the fun in fansubbing.
I could try subbing it each week, since it’s quite easy (this episode took me about 8 hours), but as I said earlier, I don’t see need to do it when SlyFox releases superior subs. This one is only a result of him disappearing.
@Truello :
What’s that “attitude towards people” exactly ? Have you seen any of that lately, that wasn’t justified by toxic comments I received ?
The only bad attitude I see here is yours towards me, calling me a “prick” when I don’t even know you.
That paranoia thing is crap btw, he lost the prime release of both 1080p and subs, so he lost interest in this anime and dropped it.
Good attitude would’ve been to at least modify the description of his last release, and inform people that he’s dropping it… but yet again, what do I know about “good attitude”, right ?
Well, I think you can start preparing for next week, cause I don’t think SlowFox is coming back, due to the assumptions I shared.
I’ll agree that his subs were slightly better tho, due to him having the japanese captions to double check, and taking way more time to work on his subs.
8hrs is easy? Logic doesn’t sell very well today. Let’s be honest, on Nyaa it’s like this " Treats you like shit for no reason then plays the victim when you defend yourself ". Learn about manipulation so you are less likely to fall for it. People who have no way of defending their argument use garbage like this, best idea is to not engage with them on that and bring the conversation back to topic, “ad hominem”. Thanks for doing this and you will improve at your own pace if you have a passion for it.
truello (uploader)
There’s no such thing as “justified bad attitude”, you shouldn’t respond to toxic people with toxicity. Either respond objectively or ignore them, not increase the toxic level. By trying to fight them this way, you yourself became toxic along the way, hence me calling you prick.
Again, if he dropped it, that’s fine, it’s his choice to do so. Informing people about that is good attitude, you’re right about that, but it’s not required.
If it really turns out that SlyFox dropped the series (or at least if he won’t release this ep before raws for next one appear) then I will start working on next ep right away. I’m not sure about eps 19-21 though as I’m not sure I’ll have access to PC during that time.
By the way japanese captions were already included in the Setsu-Raws release I went with (the second half was misstimed by 1 minute though).
8 hours of this is much easier than 16 hours of Komi I did before lol.
@Truello : That’s why I’ve lowered my interaction with toxic comments, mostly only replying to constructive ones.
At some point, if you wanna hold the grudge forever without looking at the efforts made, can’t do a damn thing to change your mind.
And yeah, I know Setsu released the JP Caps, I just hoped it’d be out sooner.
By the way, some of your lines could benefit from line breaks, cause some of them are really long :
“Dialogue: 0,0:02:52.10,0:02:57.45,Default,0,0,0,At that moment Ryuunosuke was killed, a section of her that split off was me.”
@truello Oh I didn’t notice the 1m shift, it’s prolly from the ads break (the CCs are from TV broadcast xd)
Will try being more careful next episodes.
@Setsugennoao :
While you’re at it, be more careful about the audio too, as it’s missing around 4 seconds at the end (23:35 - 23:39).
Thanks for the raw tho :) (I may be a prick, but I’m still able to show gratitude, see ?)
luxury bullying others because it’s not his mtled release
@fuee :
On the contrary, I’m glad that Truello is releasing STR (and would be glad if SlowFox would continue releasing it too, even tho I dislike him).
As I said, it offers choice to people, and on top of that, since mine is hardsubbed, having the .ass can help other teams doing it in their own languages.
Btw, my release is manga-based, not MTL.
Lewd font (✱°⌂°✱)
Being softsubs is an automatic win too. It is just disappointing to see hardsubs in this year of our Lord.