The main character, Tatsuya, who keeps his emotions inside, lived by consuming every day just to save money with a part-time job. One day, he unexpectedly helped Kotona and Yuta in an accident that started from a misunderstanding and the fate of the three began to turn. Yuta who creates clothes and who has a strange fashion, and Kotona who was asked to be a model, and Tatsuya who was forcibly drawn in as a make-up person continue to walk.
What is a new life that "changes with encounters"?
Even if you don't have outstanding talent, you can pursue your liking and achieve something with your friends. A youth success story that gives courage and hope.
__Episodes:__ 12
__Aired:__ Jul 21, 2021 - Oct 8, 2021
![The poster for the drama](https://i.mydramalist.com/pb7ZQ_4f.jpg "Official Poster")
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