Helvetica Standard italic (Vol. 2).cbr :: Nyaa ISS

Helvetica Standard italic (Vol. 2).cbr

2022-12-15 22:50 UTC
No information.
File size:
358.8 MiB
Info hash:
I hereby present to you a super quick and ugly scan of Keiichi Arawi's manga Helvetica Standard (subtitled "italic"). You might know the guy that made Nichijou and City. Since the 41 chapters of the first volume (subtitled "bold") were already available i decided to buy the second one to share it with you all. This is my first scan and you'll easily see my lack of ability, especially when you get to the double-pages. Rudimentary rotacropping was all that i did, i couldn't care to make it look like a webrip, fiddle with leveling or remove the few beard hairs that somehow landed on the pages before scanning. Feel free to steal and fix it if it annoys you too much. I couldn't find the extra stuff that was included in the first volume on the net so if there's any demand for the pretty pictures i might consider scanning that one as well.

File list

  • Helvetica Standard italic (Vol. 2).cbr (358.8 MiB)
Where do I download volume 1?
@andrewnoob The [scanlated](https://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=4114052953&stype=series) _chapters_ 0-41 ~~_ripped_ from MD~~ from [IA](https://archive.org/download/manga_Helvetica_Standard), minus one spam image, without unnecessary metadata, using the English digital cover instead, and organized as pseudo volume 1: https://mega.nz/#!sXE3WLCZ!tyQ-ZG5IrPO7xjm7nSUzD_bweqm0b2K12DbisWrqGwo Most of the 136 pages are [missing](https://nichijou.fandom.com/wiki/Helvetica_Standard_Bold) though.