Are you guys (subber, I don't know if they are the up loader too) complete idiots? This isn't the first release I found something (subs) messed up in some way or another, do you not know how to make sentences? I think I'm going to avoid, whenever possible, this groups releases from now on, way too many times and this time too big of a F-up to just be a lack of QC.... I'm not even gonna continue watching for the rest of the scew-ups, sourcing another version.
Ep 1 @7:00 "Stuff is this what? Even it dent a can't I in make!"
What?!?! I guess this is why you don't have pics of your sub work, then people would know to give it a pass.
Too late edit: Maybe it's supposed to be like this? is it a direct rip? I tried 2 other versions,, 1 labeled AV! which my PC couldn't play the video or subs of and another that was 10+GB in size, but was the same (just different font). If I could delete/edit above comment I would. but I have had other issues with other releases (Can't recall the titles at the moment) so that still stands, but as for this one.... my bad?!?
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