KH’s batch release ( did not feature OP/ED theme karaoke for Episodes 1-5 of Season 3, so I went and added it for both subtitle tracks in each episode.
The remainder of the subtitles are unchanged, and I take no credit for any part of KH’s work. I simply took KH’s karaoke from the other episodes and added it to Episodes 1-5.
This torrent contains the completed video file for each episode, with the corrected subtitles and required fonts already muxed in.
> KH’s batch release did not feature OP/ED theme karaoke for Episodes 1-5 of Season 3
This is because KH lazily took the subs from [LostYears weekly releases]( (where episode 6 was the first they featured the kfx on) and didn't backport the kfx to earlier episodes nor even credit the fact they used LostYears subs at all. [sam]('s release uses the batched/updated LostYears subs from the neko-kBaraka release.
Thanks for the info. I already have KH's batch and wanted to make a simple solution for myself rather than downloading sam's. Figured I'd share it.
I've already watched the entirety of KH's batch without much issue, so I preferred to just fix up those episodes rather than replace my archived Overlord stuff with a release I haven't personally used.
Comments - 2
BillBoyTM (uploader)