(From Wikipedia):
Megazone 23 (メガゾーン23) is a three-part Japanese cyberpunk original video animation created by Noboru Ishiguro, written by Hiroyuki Hoshiyama and Emu Arii, and directed by Ishiguro, Ichiro Itano, Kenichi Yatagai, and Shinji Aramaki. The story follows Shougo Yahagi, a delinquent motorcyclist whose possession of a government prototype bike leads him to discover the truth about the city.
Apologies for the long wait. This is a remux of the US Blu-ray by AnimEigo. This Blu-Ray contains the restored HD version of the OVA, along with AnimEigo’s typical multicolored subtitles and some commentaries. Also includes both the ADV films dub (both 5.1 Surround and 2.0 Stereo) and Manga Entertainment’s dub.
The Manga Entertainment dub was not included on the Blu-ray and was muxed from sxales’s release. It sounds like it came from a VHS tape, which is likely the only release of the dub.
Given this is a remux, no extra encoding was performed to preserve the disc’s quality. The video is the original H.264 encoded present on the original disc, and is a 4:3 1080p picture pillarboxed to 16:9. The English dub, and a variety of subtitles formats are included straight from the disc.
Media Summary:
Video Codec: AVC H.264
Audio Codec: DTS-HD Master Audio, AC3 (Manga Entertainment Dub)
Subtitles: AnimEigo (PGS)
See you next time.
Comments - 4
Firstly, thank you… Would you be able to make the subtitles and 5.1 audio available separately from the three OVAs?
guysome11 (uploader)
why would you want that
Good question… isn’t the audio 5.1 Japanese? If so, I’ll attach it, and the caption, it’s good to have this version.
guysome11 (uploader)
only the ADV-produced English dub is 5.1