Preferred offline server
DLL patcher for hacks and mods
Check here for Spice2x updates (6/20/2024 latest beta)
Tutorials for setting up and troubleshooting data
Extract MDX-001-2024061300 FULL.7z to desired location
You can ignore Asphyxia related steps if you play on a network already
Do not use included startup.arc if you play on a private server
Extract asphyxia.7z to \contents\ folder
Press Windows key or open Start menu, type cmd
and open Command Prompt as Administrator
Use Command Prompt to navigate to your DDR game folder, then to contents\com\
to change directory and cd..
to go back a directory): cd E:\DDR World\contents\comRun these commands:
regsvr32 xactengine2_10.dll
regsvr32 k-clvsd.dll
if you see any kind of error you aren’t in admin command prompt
Place startup.arc in data\arc\
just rename the original to startup.arc.bak
and leave it should you need it laterRun spicecfg.exe
Go to Options tab and set EA Service URL to http://localhost:8083
NOTE: if you play on a private network, enter the service url
and pcbid
for that network instead
Go to Cards tab and generate a card
Configure inputs in Buttons tab
Set Spice hotkeys in Overlay tab if you want
Run asphyxia-core-x64.exe
(this will open a powershell window and a webui. leave the powershell window open)
Run spice.exe
Insert Coin is whatever you mapped the ‘Service’ key to here
Insert Card is numpad ‘+’ by default. Map it to whatever
Play the game
Comments - 2
“This version gud 4 idiots”
The idiot…right there! Hahaha!