As you may already know, the first sub track allows for no fun, whereas the second one does. The same goes for the audio tracks.
Furthermore, we wish to express our sincere thanks to:
- Anonymous from /a/ for the translation of the opening.
- Fyurie for the dialogue font styling.
We’re recruiting translators and typesetters or anyone for anything, please tell us someone still reads these! Drop by at #& on Rizon, or e-mail Furthermore, we’re recruiting pretty much anyone who can reasonably claim to provide further value to the group.
Our encoder for the BDs has unfortunately quit. The future of the Shomin Sample BDs is thus not guaranteed anymore.
All future releases will be cryptographically signed. Except the batch, that one doesn’t even get release numbers in the CRC. Get hyped for the most pointless use of crypto yet. Though I do believe I’ve sufficiently proven that CRC32 is as useless for integrity checking as it can get.
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